So I join into the Dishonored crowd. Combat is extremely fun. I must say thought in terms of mechanics this game reminds me too much of Deus Ex - not a bad thing, but not original either.
I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Bethesda also has a tendency to stick characters in cities who have random fetch tasks for you or are somehow associated with the main quest. That makes no sense all.
I'll be honest - I don't remember much details of the game overall. Except...
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood. It's a very interesting Western FPS, the cutscenes did get a little annoying but overall you were constantly in action.
Yeah I agree. I've seen it twice, and I would like to put an emphasis on GREAT CAST - acting is very good, so far so it will make you rewatch the movie!
In some cases it's simply unecessary. In all cases, however, there's always a budget and some part of the game will have to suffer because the developers will include multiplayer. Either you put an accent on it (Call of Duty, Battlefield), or you don't have it at all...
He's right though. Van Buren cut down on many skills, instead of expanding on their use. And real time cut down on the resources that could be invested elsewhere, considering the fact that the game was made for turn-based combat and RT removed a level of strategy from the game.
Since we're talking about Tom Cruise... I watched Jack Reacher. Why are people disliking this movie? It's an incredible action film, the pacing is very fast, and there's a great chase scene (without silly music). Overall the plot is great although some details are rather questionable. A classic...
Or maybe because the American media jumps all over every tragedy and mass murder that happens? Yes, you should report it, yes, you should send condolences to the victims and their families, but not popularize it... It's a tragedy, not a show!
Small Guns. Great at the beginning of the game, even better as you progress towards NCR. Once you get hold of the Gauss Rifle, the game is no longer a challenge.