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  1. Sub-Human

    Living game worlds vs Dead game worlds?

    In other words: A linear and under-developed world with no distinct characters; or a large and well-designed setting filled with an array of factions, NPCs, locations with depth. I think the choice is pretty obvious, don't you?
  2. Sub-Human

    Age of Decadence?
  3. Sub-Human

    Come and see... the live show of a war going on

    That's funny, since you (and Gonzales) are the ones that brought it up. A discussion about Russia suddenly turned into the wrongdoings of NATO; as if Obama is directly responsible for Putin ruining his country's economy and putting troops in East Ukraine.
  4. Sub-Human

    Come and see... the live show of a war going on

    Yep. You're right - invasion and annexation of Crimea is not a bad thing. I mean, protecting Russian nationals, right? Evil Right Sector, right? Fascist Kiev, right? Killing Boris Nemtsov isn't a bad thing either - he was a CIA agent, clearly. And, no, it wasn't Putin that killed him, it was...
  5. Sub-Human

    Come and see... the live show of a war going on

    Oh, wow, sure, let's bring up Cold War history. Instead of talking about the US and Russia of today - something actually relevant. How many opposition politicians have been murdered in the US - in its entire history, let alone since the fall of the Soviet Union? How many journalists? How many...
  6. Sub-Human

    Come and see... the live show of a war going on

    Corruption is definitely a problem in the Russian government, but the sole reason? You really have no clue, or just purposefully ignoring even recent murder of a politician Nemtsov, let alone the multiple crimes of the regime like annexing sovereign territory of Ukraine? My comment to Crni was...
  7. Sub-Human

    Come and see... the live show of a war going on

    Crni, I can turn around and say - why are you criticizing the West? Lavrov and Putin claim that nobody should meddle in Ukrainian affairs but then send their soldiers and start a coup in South East Ukraine and Crimea. Or they talk about giving self determination to Ukrainian people but the last...
  8. Sub-Human

    Obsidian's Project Eternity

    How is that 'homophobia'?
  9. Sub-Human

    Obsidian's Project Eternity

    I'd like to meet this backer and shake his hand. :)
  10. Sub-Human

    Obsidian's Project Eternity

    Real Time combat doesn't have the tactical depth of turn-based. Both melee and ranged combat is boring as you simply point and click on the next enemy. Spells do bring in some level of strategy, but there's just an overwhelming amount of them (one of the thing that puts me off from D&D cRPGs).
  11. Sub-Human

    Come and see... the live show of a war going on

    Sputnik is another one of Kremlin's propaganda media, you shouldn't take anything they say seriously.
  12. Sub-Human

    Come and see... the live show of a war going on

    Does Europe issue false, hysterical propaganda to its citizens (along the lines of "Russia orchestrated 9/11 to force US into Iraq and Afghanistan") over national TV? Does Europe kill and jail political opposition? Does Europe support Nazi and fascist parties? Do European politicians steal...
  13. Sub-Human

    What is your favorite TV show?

    I tried getting into it, but I'm not sure if Better Call Saul takes itself seriously or not... The writing and the characters are cartoonish, it feels like the ending of Season 1 of Breaking Bad, just awful.
  14. Sub-Human

    Come and see... the live show of a war going on

    If you DO believe that his actions are wrong - you said yourself that Russia in Crimea is aggression against a sovereign state - why is it illegal to condemn Putin? If Europeans used to burn people alive based on the notion that their religious belief was 'wrong', does that mean they cannot...
  15. Sub-Human

    Come and see... the live show of a war going on

    I'm not arguing whether or not it makes sense to take over Crimea. Of course there's a reason for it. The problem here is I can't seem to criticize Russia for an illegal annexation - because as soon as I do, I'm suddenly a Bush-loving, Iraq War-supporting American. I don't see the connection, do...
  16. Sub-Human

    Come and see... the live show of a war going on

    Gonzalez, again, are you a firm believer that two wrongs make a right?
  17. Sub-Human

    Obsidian's Project Eternity

    So the game's coming out tomorrow... In absence of other proper RPGs, I'm excited!
  18. Sub-Human

    Come and see... the live show of a war going on

    So what you're saying is that Putin is a stubborn dictator who prefers a grand empire illusion to the prosperity of Russian citizens?
  19. Sub-Human

    Fitness, exercise and sports.

    You sound very skinny, 158 pounds is about 71 kilos which means you should have every vein and muscle on your body seen... But as others have said, abs come naturally, keep working out (not situps or ab-specific 'workouts') and you'll get there.
  20. Sub-Human

    If World War Three broke out, would you sign up?

    If all the right moves include ruining the economy of Russia and relations with other countries that took years to build, then I guess you could say that he's a 'great leader'. Only great leaders invite openly fascist parties that deny the Holocaust and praise Hitler into St. Petersburg, a city...