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  1. Sub-Human

    Wasteland 2 released!

    WAIT, what???? There's a second area in Shady Sands in Fallout 1????
  2. Sub-Human

    Are you enjoying WL2?

    Enjoying it? Oh yes. There's plenty wrong with the game as well, mostly poor design choices - but Wasteland 2 has had such an impression on me I'm letting that slide.
  3. Sub-Human

    Wasteland 2 has been out since midnight, why aren't you playing it?

    If anyone wants an extra Wasteland 2 key... I'm willing to sell?
  4. Sub-Human

    Russian-Ukrainian war

    I simply fail to understand how so many Russians I have considered to be at least somewhat intelligent fall for this propaganda. I cannot talk to them because they regurgitate the same stuff they heard on TV - 'Crimea is ours', 'Kiev is a nazi junta', 'Poroshenko is US puppet'. "How has Crimea...
  5. Sub-Human

    OkCupid and Other Dating Sites

    That's what they call an introvert. Most people are introverted to some extent, so it's not even an issue.
  6. Sub-Human

    Wasteland 2 releases on September 19th

    9 more days! This better be good.
  7. Sub-Human

    Shadowrun returns (on kickstarter)

    Yeah. I couldn't get into Dead Man's Switch at all. Chicago was pretty bland and the level design was subpar. Berlin and the 'Kreuzbasar', on the other hand, had a unique feeling to it.
  8. Sub-Human

    Arcanum vs Fallout

    I found Arcanum to be too combat-oriented and, at times, restrictive. Might have been the setting, but I felt like I had to play as a very particular character who looked for lost rings in city sewers or stole paintings.
  9. Sub-Human

    Shadowrun returns (on kickstarter)

    I'm a little too late on the bandwagon, but Shadowrun is simply one hell of a game. Jumping straight into the Dragonfall campaign, I was taken back by the sheer quality and scope of... just about everything! From the writing to character customization, this has got to be one of the best...
  10. Sub-Human

    Russian-Ukrainian war

    So the polls concluded. 93% in favor of Russia's annexation. Ha! Why not 99%, like it is in the North Caucasus? Gotta thank the Tatars and pro-Maidan groups who boycotted too. They got what they wanted now. :)
  11. Sub-Human

    Russian-Ukrainian war

    The Right Sector are just about as active as ever. Their leader was trialed and 'arrested' by the Russian court (without his presence, of course). They also get accused of random violence by the Kremlin propaganda machine occasionally, but that's the extent of it. I've read a pretty...
  12. Sub-Human

    Russian-Ukrainian war

    They were overrun by the Mongols and enslaved for centuries, one of the primer examples of Russians losing a war. The Russian military is still being developed, in a real conflict with NATO, only the professional troops could deal a blow - the conscripts are almost entirely worthless, whatnot...
  13. Sub-Human

    Russian-Ukrainian war

    It looks like Russians have started the raid on Ukrainian's base in Sevastopol. Russian regime. Look at the economy of the country. Far worse than it had been in 2008 following the Georgian conflict, and the purchasing power is at its lowest level...
  14. Sub-Human

    Russian-Ukrainian war

    Here I think is the problem. Amidst all this talk about war and global tension, people forgot about the first struggle - the Ukraine, and the Ukrainians. You might have heard about the ultranationalists ('Right Sector'), who were some of the more active members of the Euromaidan. Armed and...
  15. Sub-Human

    Russian-Ukrainian war

    I agree. This invasion right here proves they could care less. The point is that it's A to B - first politicians call them Slavic brothers (i.e. support the pro-Russian Ukranians, they must fight against the nazis at Euro Maidan), now they are killing the same Slavic brothers. I'd wager that...
  16. Sub-Human

    Russian-Ukrainian war

    I understand. But if the Ukranians didn't take any more crap from their own government, how will they feel when the 'moscali' from the East invade their territory? This is one of the more common Russian propaganda. Uncle Sam and all these Western Evils that want to control the world. Russia is...
  17. Sub-Human

    Russian-Ukrainian war

    Ukraine is not the enemy the Russians want to fight. Chechnya was a big hit for the poor nation, where well over 10 thousand troops died. Ukraine has a population of 50 million, a semi-professional military, but most importantly they're the 'slavic brothers' as Russian politicians referred to...
  18. Sub-Human

    Russian-Ukrainian war

    Yes, Russia is invading Crimeria. Those are regular Russian troops, not PMCs. The Western Ukraine (Kiev) also lost all contact with the outer world - Internet and telephone not working. Airports blockaded. This is a pretty bold move that will see the collapse of the Russian Federation or at...
  19. Sub-Human

    WTF is wrong with Wasteland 2 price tag? [Warning: Rage and hate]

    You could have preorded the game for $20 for months after the Kickstarter finished.