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  1. MayonaiseCream

    Hacking app

    Hey guys, just curious, is there an app on android that copies terminal hacks in fallout onto a game? Thanks in advance!
  2. MayonaiseCream

    Favorite Fallout 3 Quest

    Reilly's Rangers. The feel was kinda like a zombie game-esque mission.
  3. MayonaiseCream

    Most powerful Fallout 3 character

    Combat in this game is way too easy, compared to the FPS's I play it's a joke. I prefer to level my characters in non-combat skills like speech and get non-related combat perks because it makes the game a lot more enjoyable.
  4. MayonaiseCream

    Many a True Nerd "Fallout 3 is Better than you Think"

    So the lore is that the T-45 was the first "production model" power armor. They made a shitton of it, and it worked well. Then, they started from the ground floor, and designed/built the T-51; it was largely ceramic instead of metal, which meant greatly reduced weight yet somehow superior armor...
  5. MayonaiseCream

    Is the mirv broken?

    Still good for scaring shit out of newbies.
  6. MayonaiseCream

    The Ideal Woman

    3 foot tall mute, toothless midget nymphomaniac millionaire with a flat head to place my beer.
  7. MayonaiseCream

    Mortal Kombat 2021 review

    Really bummed no one got their spine ripped out.
  8. MayonaiseCream

    What podcasts do you...

    I don't listen to podcasts because I prefer to get my information in ways that I can quickly scan and find what is relevant (web pages, newspapers, magazines, books). Podcasts are linear and force me to gather information at the pace determined by the podcast. Note that I have no problem with a...
  9. MayonaiseCream

    Difficult challenges in-game!

    Just curious though, was there a time when gaming took a toll on your mental health, that you were asked by your parents to talk with a counselor?
  10. MayonaiseCream

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Haha, exactly what I felt throughout the gameplay in RE7, it's like I can easily put myself in his shoes, same things I may possibly do if this nightmare happens to us.
  11. MayonaiseCream

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I'm glad that Ethan is going to be the main protagonist. I even jinxed it. What do you think about Ethan being the main protagonist?
  12. MayonaiseCream

    Gun Control

    Funny thing is, the victim seemed to be holding back, else the first girl she had shove on the floor could have been stabbed first.
  13. MayonaiseCream

    How many people do you know...

    A social media influencer whom I'm a fan of died of Covid complications. So far none of my relatives have it yet because we are all taking care of ourselves.
  14. MayonaiseCream

    Is the Church of Children of the Atom actually dumb?

    People become ghouls precisely because they weren't resistant to radiation. As a product of their transformation, their metabolism has evolved to thrive off of radiation, minimizing their need for food and water. Children of Atom are baseline humans who have evolved to have a much higher...
  15. MayonaiseCream

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    This is a very minor issue, but every time I load DS3 game it shows me the patch notes before getting to the main menu. This seems totally unnecessary to show the player every time they play. Can we disable this?
  16. MayonaiseCream

    Things that you LIKE about Fallout 76

    76 has me fully drawn in, I've accomplished everything, though, dropping a nuke is really the only thing that I could keep doing. :V
  17. MayonaiseCream

    Difficult challenges in-game!

    Is there a way to delete this so I can post a new one in the sub-forum? Thanks!
  18. MayonaiseCream

    Next Fallout Game Location?

    I think it should be Texas because it’s huge and could include lots of area and variety. Texas has a rolling hill country, a coast, desert, and dense forest. Texas has a triangle of big cities it could use in Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, and Austin in the middle. Texas also borders Mexico which...
  19. MayonaiseCream

    Difficult challenges in-game!

    By game, I meant fallout 76. :/