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  1. MayonaiseCream


    Is he still making cool work like this these days?
  2. MayonaiseCream

    Difficult challenges in-game!

    What were the challenges you faced when you prepared yourself for a tournament or even boss fights in-game? Was it ever easy to manage your own team or cooperate with them? Feel free to discuss it here.
  3. MayonaiseCream

    Things we learned from Fallout 4

    What I have learned? If somebody has a better-looking jacket, nuke 'em and get that jacket.
  4. MayonaiseCream

    Can you Squint and fit Wasteland into Fallout?

    Is the idea even possible?
  5. MayonaiseCream

    The Ideal Woman

    A lady cat? LOL
  6. MayonaiseCream


    I would even do more than that if he wants to. LOL
  7. MayonaiseCream

    Big guns perks idea

    Has anyone done a big gun build on your leader? If you did how well did it perform?
  8. MayonaiseCream

    The Outer Worlds

    Anyone trying to play it on Xbox? Don't bother, the crashes will piss you off.
  9. MayonaiseCream

    Guilty Pleasures

    I like how he adds random edits in his whole video lmao!
  10. MayonaiseCream

    Spring/summer season plans

    Anyone had visited Cajun Country NO before or live nearby it? Just wondering about the current situation up there. Planning to visit there this April/May.
  11. MayonaiseCream

    What was your first RPG?

    You're still young, you'll have a lot of time to play the best games your years will serve you as compared to mine. :/
  12. MayonaiseCream

    Spring/summer season plans

    That sounds like a great plan Millim, I plan to go for a long road trip while trying to avoid crowded places as much as possible. Goodluck to me!
  13. MayonaiseCream

    What was your first RPG?

    First ever RPG was Super Mario back in Nintendo DS. Miss being young again. :/
  14. MayonaiseCream

    Recommend me a tactical game *newer than 2007*

    I’d suggest The Fleet. It a bit short for my tastes but it gave me a Star Trek at war kind of feel. Apex Patrol is kind of similar to The Fleet IMO but different plot and a bit frustrating at the end.
  15. MayonaiseCream

    Spring/summer season plans

    What are you looking forward to this Spring/Summer season? Are you up for a long road trip or another long "home staycation". If the former, let's talk about it here! :)
  16. MayonaiseCream

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Will anymore Doom wads be added to console? I tried googling to find a anwser, so I assume there's none, but I was wondering if it's atleast possible.
  17. MayonaiseCream

    The Ideal Woman

    If you ask me i think its all quite stupid actually each person has their own preferences. There is no ideal because people have different things they want in a person. And thank god for it or everyone would be going after the same person, 99% of people would be alone and nobody would be happy...
  18. MayonaiseCream

    Wandavision reviews *spoilers*

    Why did I visit this thread? :(
  19. MayonaiseCream

    Is quitting the answer for this?

    Hello, I graduated in 2018 and haven't been able to work since then because of my addiction to video games. My parents went through a violent divorce in 2018 and I spent a lot of time playing the peacemaker role. When I couldn't mend their relationship I blamed them for being apart on myself. I...