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  1. MayonaiseCream

    How things are going in your area?

    I'm glad that you're doing your part to be safe to yourself and to others. Not all people will do the same thing nowadays. I guess it will never be easy to change people's perspectives, especially during this pandemic. There will always be conspiracies and people who support it. I just wish that...
  2. MayonaiseCream

    How things are going in your area?

    Nevada? Regardless, I thought I should share and leave this article that I've just read for anyone who's been dealt with the most hardships from this past few months and tell you that it's a good thing that we are still alive and there will always be a brighter day waiting ahead of us...
  3. MayonaiseCream

    How things are going in your area?

    It has been months that we are experiencing this Covid-19 pandemic. And it is has been really tough surviving when the time came that the majority of businesses closed off and the financial crisis overwhelmed most of the countries globally. Considering that there are several states/cities...
  4. MayonaiseCream

    COVID Vaccine Trials Excluding Older Adults

    A new article discussing the long-term effects of people who recovered from Covid-19.
  5. MayonaiseCream

    Wasteland 3: General thread

    I asked the developers on discord and got an answer. Seems it's gonna take some time: Achievement issues are known to us, not likely to be addressed in our next update (tentatively planned for early-ish next month). So the fix(es) will be sometime thereafter, but not by too long of a shot...
  6. MayonaiseCream

    [politics] How I feel post-election about the last 4 years

    He can definitely do it as he's launching an investigation now, and I want to be entertained more so I guess, I'm glad he's doing what he can with that issue but I want it to fail in the end. I think 4 years is already enough for him to take another term again.
  7. MayonaiseCream

    [politics] How I feel post-election about the last 4 years

    Does Trump still have a say on those? I'm not sure if those allegations will bring him anywhere.
  8. MayonaiseCream

    COVID Vaccine Trials Excluding Older Adults

    Hopefully, vaccines will work, I'm not ready for a second outbreak or mutation whatever that may happen only because of a faulty vaccine. :/
  9. MayonaiseCream

    COVID Vaccine Trials Excluding Older Adults

    Very true, I'm not even sure if I would let my mom take the vaccine if it becomes available, she's around 60+ so I don't know what will convince me for her to take one. I'm just scared for something bad to happen...
  10. MayonaiseCream

    COVID Vaccine Trials Excluding Older Adults

    Dr. Sharon K. Inouye September 28, 2020 Imagine the end of the pandemic — with new cases and deaths trending down towards zero — a time we are all eagerly anticipating. The key to achieving this goal will be the development of effective treatments and vaccines. Yet, based on a research study my...
  11. MayonaiseCream

    PS5 or XBOX series X?

    I'm sorry but I can't wait with PS5, I mean I liked all the exclusives they currently have right now. But I will follow all you guys advice for Xbox series X, will going to buy it after few years ( I still have my Xbox one S with me anyway) :wiggle:
  12. MayonaiseCream

    PS5 or XBOX series X?

    Since no one has posted this yet, I may as well oblige myself to ask this. Which of the two you are going to buy first if you only have enough budget to buy only one of them atm? I can only pre-order one for the time being, please help me decide... :scratch::(
  13. MayonaiseCream

    Comics only known in your country

    Please no!!! But I get your point, I'll just be quiet next time I see a post that might trigger your opinion. :(
  14. MayonaiseCream

    Gains before Girls, Kings.

    Haha agree with this.
  15. MayonaiseCream

    Why I left Reddit for NMA (new guy)

    Got another slot for a companion? lol
  16. MayonaiseCream

    Corona Virus = Money Inflation

    Maybe buy a lot of canned goods? If this pandemic continue for months, you might trade it with gold LOL
  17. MayonaiseCream

    Corona Virus = Money Inflation

    It will definitely have a huge impact on our economy.