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  1. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Cant wait for Fallout Las Vegas

    I'm PRAYING it'll be a 360 exclusive just to end the DLC pains with Sony.
  2. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Why fallout 3 is different then Fallout 1 and 2

    Common sense. FPS games = more room for innovation.
  3. Todd Howard's #1 Fan

    Why fallout 3 is different then Fallout 1 and 2

    Personally, I thought the RPG aspects of FO3 were much more well-rounded than that of the predecessors. When I played FO1 there was no choice in my build, just max out agility, strength, and perception /w gifted. ALSO if fo3 ended up being a Van Buren-style game it'd sell terribly.