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  1. J


    Not keen on the Tau fucked a Mechwarrior looking tesla troops in the concept art, but otherwise looking good. Loved red alert 2, lets hope this tops it, with none of that uri shit.
  2. J

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Makes me think of shit and tape worms. Both of these are lovely. 9
  3. J

    Costs of developing Wasteland

    ^Oh you delightfully witty man, you. Anyway, sorry, google apparently knows nothing, and thats the extent of my knowledge on most things.
  4. J

    Another which one of these is worth playing thread.

    Out of interest, why don't you just play the games yourself and form your own opinion without awaiting a thumbs up?
  5. J

    Another which one of these is worth playing thread.

    Stalker - Meh, don't bother. Gun - Excellent game, fucking love westerners, and although it will only last you six hours ( and thats if you do EVERYTHING), it's one hell of a game. Call of Juarez - Bought it for setting alone. While rather demanding of your pc, and incredibly frustrating...
  6. J

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Cody, all I'm seeing is angry statements, no real reasoning. Also, about that seriousness comment, what? Does it have to fucking be loaded with US soldiers and Ala enthusiasts to be a decent fucking game? I welcome a unique art style, and as usual, this has payed off. Hell, i bought darwinia for...
  7. J


    Ahh you know, the frankly disgusting amusement derived from gun-related ignorance. I first became aware of it in the flashpoint expansion red hammer, when the forums were littered with people chuntering at the fact that american soldiers used Gs36's (or what ever) in the 80s. Don't you think...
  8. J


    There isn't that much difference between gun nuts and trekkies is there, really?
  9. J

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    A cocktail of two brilliant online wonders - Trackmania United and Team Fortress 2. I bought trackmania on the off chance that it was decent, and fucking hell, one of the best things I've done in a long while, due to the pretty endless nature of the game, as well as the varied car classes.
  10. J

    Which of these should i play?

    Buy Arcanum. From that list, only thing i would recommend is Mafia, but bare in mind, it requires a lot of patience, especially at the start. Superb game though, with a very strong storyline and level design.
  11. J

    Need help - Windows Movie Maker

    Will only let me save in WMV or AVI.
  12. J

    Need help - Windows Movie Maker

    Curious, AVI starts the process, then fails at 2 percent.
  13. J

    Need help - Windows Movie Maker

    I spent about an hour and a half today putting together a video in windows movie maker. Once it was perfected, i made the delightful discovery that the fucking thing wont save as a proper wmv format. Apparently, it could be that my files no longer exist, or the target is non existent. Both of...
  14. J

    Guess the movie from a quote thread...

    Apocalypse Now - One of the best films ever made. "Here's twenty quid. Buy yourselves a big can of sticky-sticky, and fuck off to Noddyland. "
  15. J

    Guess the movie from a quote thread...

    Not gona post one? Well i'll slip in the window like a lubed up eel then. "You get that right and I'll feed you paedophiles, dealers, bullies, junkies, scum, cunts, dogs... the lot. "
  16. J

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    6 I find cars terribly boring, but that ones shiny, so it's slightly above average!
  17. J

    Dragon to sit on Union Jack?

    The Welsh.
  18. J

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    8 Bit too fast, but fairly unique.
  19. J

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    6, not quite sure it is, but matches your manly colour scheme perfectly. Music not count?
  20. J

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    6/10 Meh, but it moves.