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  1. S

    Fallout 3. Is it really so bad?

    Uh they are all based off of 3.5 DnD rules. While the semblence might be real time, they are definately turn-based games. That's why they run off of rounds, thats why you only get so many attacks/actions per round. Comparing this to VATS is a gross misconception I'm afraid.
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    Fallout 3. Is it really so bad?

    Hahaha, NWN 1 & 2, and both kotors are turnbased games. Obviously you lack to understanding to see this.
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    My Gamefaqs Fallout 3 Review

    It hasn't passed inspection yet, but I'd figure I'd give you guys first peak at it, since I respect you and all. :) *note, this was my rough draft, I corrected all spelling mistakes in the final copy I submitted "A good FPS-Lite RPG, A horrid Fallout game" Let it be heard, I love the...
  4. S

    The MIRV - spoiler

    What does outrunning a nuclear blast have anything to do with the way BIS treated nuclear energy? You are just looking for storm clouds on a sunny day my friend.
  5. S

    Where did the saloon owner go?

    Just hack his computer, you will get the same info albeit a little more explained.
  6. S

    Ghostbusters! End of movie monster choice.

    Ha, I have to say this, in the Spirit of Fallout; the Vaultboy.
  7. S

    Fallout 3 - First Mods

    Stops telling you where to go, and stops showing enemy locations on your HUD.
  8. S

    That fuss about NPC-Markers

    Yeah, I can understand Perception helping you locate enemies, but why the fuck would it not improve your ranged fighting skills? The game becomes ridiculously easy with a high perception and a sniper rifle. The SPECIAL in this is game has been bastardized beyond repair. The ability to get a head...
  9. S

    Perks Reviewed, mostly all useless.

    The only place I found the "Child at Heart" perk to be any useful was in Little Lamplight. If you dont have that perk there, you do not get the Wazzer Wifle for free, the Soveneir shops wont buy stuff from you, and you will have a harder time getting into the town. BTW, Little Lamplight is...
  10. S

    Speech Challange makes CHARISMA almost useless?

    Most of the books I found were Pugilism Illustrated. +1 unarmed. I did find a few others, but none as much as the Pugilism books.
  11. S

    Stumbled across a painfully simple infinite XP bug

    Infinite jet bug in the Den. Wow, I learn new things everyday. I think its funny that some people come on this site with a list of bugs they found off the internet, but then yell at us for pointing out bugs we found on our own in the new game. Beth spent four years in production of this, BIS one...
  12. S

    [SPOILERS] Super Mutants in Fallout 3

    Look at what I am criticizing? Unfortunately for me, I have been doing this since the game came out. Perhaps, if I wasn't so opinionated I could follow the OoOoO-AhHhh crowd instead of objectively discussing this game. They didn't out Harold on the East coast because thats what the BIS...
  13. S

    What did Bethesda actually do better than Black Isle?

    I can tell you one thing Beth did worse than BIS, and that was kill the unique feeling behind making a character. By the end of the game, I was able to do most everything. There was no feeling of wanting to play a different character cause I didn't have the skills to do something. If you think...
  14. S

    Fallout 3. Is it really so bad?

    Don't you just love broken scripting? Similar things happened to me in the Oasis. (finally found it last night) I murdered the treekeepers, and Harold's dialouge didn't change at all. The I found a broken quest, in the form of the Republic of Dave. No matter what I tried, I couldn't finish it...
  15. S

    Did you all forget..

    If you read all the info in Vault 87 it clearly states that the scientists starting mutating humans after the bombs dropped and the vault sealed. This makes no damn sense. Why would a group of vault dwellers, perfectly protected, start making super mutants? There is no link in the plotline to...
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    If they don't upgrade their engine for FO:4 after ES:5 then I will be even more sadly disapointed with Beth than usual.
  17. S

    [SPOILERS] Super Mutants in Fallout 3

    Didn't find him on my first playthrough. Tried looking, but failed. Yeah, the whole Harold on the East Coast thing is utter crap. Just another piece of misplaced nostalgia to appease us old Fallout vets.
  18. S

    Fallout 3 & SecuROM

    I have to agree Galdred. My PC is like my second home. I don't want to bring home a new couch just to find it infested with some sort of insect, and I apply that line of thinking to my PC. It's sad that this a legal accepted thing. Too many people are truely ignorant of being take advantage of...
  19. S

    Voting against terrorism

    My mother believe in a christian god. I asked her why, and she tells me, I don't know. I ask her to explain, and she tells me thats all she knows. I feel sad for her, because she was never motivated to find her own truths in life. That is the answer I get from most deific worshipers...
  20. S

    Voting against terrorism

    I agree with you in the entirety my friend. It's just that the Christian right thinks they are going to an afterlife, so they become mega complacent with their ACTUAL lives. Complacency breeds the way of thinking that makes other people inferior to them. They believe that life is nothing but a...