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  1. S

    The MIRV - spoiler

    When I said behemoth, I didn't mean it in a literal sense, but more in the "WOW! This guy is a behemoth!" And as for them looking the same, you are correct, but they arent the same. Read the info in vault 67 to see that they are made from a different FEV strain.
  2. S

    9 Hours, 58 Minutes.

    HA! It's funny you should say that, cause I convinced him to walk away. So it was even easier for me. :D
  3. S


    This is news, never found that damn NPC. I'm sure he would have been more interesting than the rock-like NPCs you get to follow you.
  4. S

    9 Hours, 58 Minutes.

    That part of the game was way too cool to just let "him" do all the work. You literally fight an army, and I think its the most action packed part of the game.
  5. S

    The MIRV - spoiler

    Sorry to bust your bubble my friend, but Horrigan was nothing but a super mutant in power armor. I guess you could call him a behemoth, but remember, it states in FO:3 that the mutants made in DC are much different than the west coast ones. There is even some evidence in computer terminals that...
  6. S

    *sigh* NPC level scaling

    I believe its at fort independence? Got through the gate and talk to the named character. Don't want to spoil anything for you, but the quest never ends, and is kinda mundane. But you get some pretty helpful rewards should you be playing on hard or higher.
  7. S

    9 Hours, 58 Minutes.

    There is one use for the MIRV in the game I found. [spoiler:4f458256ad] At the very end, when your following the liberty robot, the Enclave litterally pour over the Washington memorial in swarms. This was the only time the MIRV proved awesome, as I wiped out over 10 guys with one VATS...
  8. S

    The MIRV - spoiler

    My problem with the Fatman and the Behemoths stems from the fact that the game provides absolutely no explanation on why they exist. They are just there. That, in my mind, is supreme laziness. Critique wouldn't be so harsh if Bethesda would actually define their world and the things in it beyond...
  9. S

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #11

    I agree that Morbid was a little off on the weapons. I would have not even brought up my arguements would Bethesda have made weapon descriptions. But yes, it is better that there are unique weapons rather than just the base ones. So you have my agreeance (not a word?) on that issue.
  10. S

    Fallout 3 Mods Metathread

    Thanks for making this. I'm going to download the No Waypoints mod forthwith.
  11. S

    9 Hours, 58 Minutes.

    For the one behemoth I killed with the Fatman, I wiped out 4 BoS soldiers. I find it kind off odd how early you find that weapon.
  12. S

    *sigh* NPC level scaling

    They started showing up for me when I found [spoiler:0ef45d0d64] Ravenclaw enclave base, was looking for harold in the NW [/spoiler:0ef45d0d64]. This was well before the main quest that introduced them. I guess once you first come across them, they start spawning randomly in the wastes. In...
  13. S

    Should Rename Fallout 3 => Fallout Tactics 2: 1 Man Squad

    That and the fact you can get more money from sidequests. As far as I know, I only came across one outcome effect cause by speech, and one sorta avoided combat, once again, caused by speech. (which i listed in a spoiler in another thread)
  14. S

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #11

    You err in one statement my friend. Most of the named weapons are not made by you, but found by killing certain npcs. [spoiler:e3dc98a4f1] You can find the terrible shotgun in the raider town something evergreen (sorry im a tired man) by killing smiling jack in the bazaar. It's a combat...
  15. S

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #11

    I'm pretty sure they got that one right. If I can recall correctly, any minigun, energy or no, was part of the big guns skill. Someone correct me if I'm wrong though. EDIT: I would give credence to your second point if Bethesda provided descriptions like BIS did back in the day. But since...
  16. S

    I need Help with end of game (possible spoilers)

    Yeah I would have to agree with Ausir. The ending is barely subjective at all compared to the older games. So far, the only things that change it are what moral stance you took and how you played out the end of it. Thats it. I was expecting town specific endings like the old Fallouts, but...
  17. S

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #11

    You do realize half those weapons are just character specific weapons. They are exactly the same as their mundane counterparts, cept they do more damage. I have the Wazer Wifle, I have the Kneecaper, I have the Terrible Shotgun, etc. etc. They look no different than their counterparts. Just...
  18. S

    So darn stuck (or bugged) on Scintific Pursuits

    I believe the rest of the journals are in the basement. If you already found those, the others are in the rotunda.
  19. S

    Did you all forget..

    I would have to agree with you Villiny. Though I do not think the new game reproduced most of Fallout 1 & 2's flaws, but instead introduced a whole new echelon of its own flaws, based mostly off of BS's mishandling of cannon and the gamebyro engine. EDIT: I understand Mr.Blonde. Over the...
  20. S

    The MIRV - spoiler

    You brought up the Davey Crocket remark, not me Mr.Blonde. It's good that your opinion differs from mine, actually makes you worth argueing with. I was argueing the fact that Bethesda ruins the whole nuclear appeal from the original games, not the fact that that weapon isn't viable in the...