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  1. S

    Did you all forget..

    Wow, quick to ignore what I said eh? I totally acknowledge Dforges posts. What he said about the old Fallout's is correct in its entirety. What the problem is though, is that those technical flaws have nothing to do with Fallout 3. IMO, FO3 flaws far outweigh those of FO1 and 2. You seem to...
  2. S

    The MIRV - spoiler

    The problem is, it fires more than one nuke, so its kinda a fire and cant use anymore weapon. To get the National Guard building you need to travel far east at the top of the city ruins. You'll know your close as you can't enter the city from the north. Once you get that far, follow the ruins...
  3. S

    Did you all forget..

    Fallouts 1 & 2 are old. We already knew these flaws. Fallout 3 is brand spanking new. We are now in the process of points out "its" flaws. Saying we are ignoring the flaws of the old games has absolutely no relevance to the new game. Come on guys.
  4. S

    But was the spirit preserved?

    It could be the fact that some of has have developed a passion for video games. Ever watch football? (american football) How do you think fans of a team will react if the the team switches owners, he trades players, and demands a re-written playbook. They will react the same exact way us Fallout...
  5. S

    The MIRV - spoiler

    So whilst on my first playthrough, I found a crazy crazy weapon in the National Guard base. It is called the MIRV. You basicly only use it once. All it is, is a Fatman that launches 8 nukes at once. That's right, 8 nukes. How pointless of a weapon is this? It seems to me that Bethesda only cares...
  6. S

    Speech Challange makes CHARISMA almost useless?

    I made the mistake of giving my character high perception and high charisma in my first playthrough. You can still easily pass speech checks with a low charisma, if you beef up speech. Perception was a horrible choice for a high number too, as I first thought it would effect my shooting skills...
  7. S

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #10

    It upsets me that all the complaints about the games in these reviews is always on a technical level, and never touches upon the content and context of the game, comparitively to the old Fallouts. It seems hyped game review sites seem to be nothing but a new form of advertising for game developers.
  8. S

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #11

    You guys, do you not see? We haven't played through the game five times and done everything. So, we are not allowed to have an opinion. We just don't see the awesomeness of Fallout 3 because there is so much in the game that makes it good, which none of us have found yet! Gosh guys! Why have...
  9. S

    But was the spirit preserved?

    The spirit of the original Fallout's is long gone in this game. All you are left with is the decaying body of Fallout. This series (much to my chagrin) died many years ago with the cancelation of VB. You can put as many shiny things and good smelling perfumes as you want on a corpse, but it...
  10. S

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #11

    1. I agree with you here. 2. VATS gets old really fast, especially the glitch where when you criple a face and the rest of your VATS shots are fired off with no slowmo and no hits. 3. While there are some fun side quests (slavers quests were awesome) they don't stand up to the sidequests of...
  11. S

    Fallout 3 out in Europe

    Yeah, I played a speech character too. I was wholly disapointed with the seemingly non existant use of it. Sure, I could use it to get 500 caps instead of 100. I could even use it sometimes to convince people that saving a loved one wasn't worth it, which shouldn't be a speech check, but a...
  12. S

    Fallout 3 out in Europe

    It is a good Post-Apoc FPS/lite rpg. Not spectaculat at all. But as a Fallout game, it is brahmin crap, IMO.
  13. S

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #9

    I beg to differ. It is more like Oblivion with guns and poorly rehashed Fallout 1 & 2 lore. :D For earths sake! How can one feel nostalgia when the way it shows up in the game is different than the way it was in the previous fallouts!
  14. S

    CanardPC's almost-review

    DAMN! If only I would have posted a 10/10 mega uber awesome review, I wouldn't have had to fork out 30$ for this game. BS would have gave me a free copy. (friend bought a PC copy and hated it, so I bought it off him for half the price)
  15. S

    Fallout 3 ending videos

    To be honest, it was up there with the best. I think the next closest thing that was actually created by Beth was.... MAJOR SPOILER! [spoiler:c294fe3170]In vault 67, towards the end of the game, you get to read alot about the EEP virus. And while it makes no sense in the original canon, the...
  16. S

    Fallout 3 ending videos

    Just beat the game about 3 minutes ago. Turns out you can combine the Coward and Corrupt endings. [spoiler:2d694cdfab]I had my evil character insert the virus, then sent Sarah to her death. :D Oh how the wheel turns.[/spoiler:2d694cdfab] Oh, btw, I give the game a 6/10. It was fun, but the...
  17. S

    NMA Caption Contest.

    Hello all. I have been an NMA lurker since 2005 I believe. I would like to give props to Pope Viper on managing to yank me into activeness with this ingenious contest. Alrighty, heres what I made. [/img]