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  1. B

    Emil Pagliarulo answers some questions on BGSF

    No exploding cars is VATS? RT fighting now officially has more tactics involved in it than VATS. But then again, looking at that video with the mudcrabs where he shoots the car almost right next to them and they don't even flinch, I guess exploding cars are just there to look pretty (and make BS...
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    Fallout 3 at LGC: GameSpot

    Looks like everything out there is still hostile for no apparent reason :/ But the sniper taking you out by going for limbs is pretty cool.
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    Fallout 3 QA guy on subject of "200 years later"

    I think the guy about the medicine was referring to the label on the bottle not being able to survive for 200 years? So you have a bottle of pills, might be a cure for cancer, might be cyanide, you don't know. Unless they tested it on one of their own, ooh, volunteer anyone?
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    New Gameplay video

    I still can't understand why you need to walk everywhere the first time. From the video it looks like walking through a garbage site instead of a nuclear wasteland.
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    Crispy Gamer and VideoGamer play Fallout 3

    Actually it wouldn't, since they already didn't have enough power as it is to survive (the whole reason behind the Gecko quest) and Gecko would be more concerned getting their reactor fixed and trading power for medication than get a radio station up and running. Both of these cases show how...
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    Gamespot UK plays Fallout 3 (again)

    Yeah, but I would've liked to know how they handle unkillable npc's, Like Mass Effect/HL2 were you simply can't fire at them or FEAR style were you can dump 200 Penetrator bolts in his head without him flinching. The latter would be quite immersion breaking while the former would be nice if your...
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    Gamespot UK plays Fallout 3 (again)

    Fire Gecko's were in the game as a random encounter only remember, I think that in all my playthroughs I only encountered them twice, so I would dump them in the alien blaster, holy hand grenade and bridgekeeper easter egg category. While here they are part of a town/quest which you will...
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    Gamespot UK plays Fallout 3 (again)

    Why didn't they shoot the brat after his little verbal assault? And I would've liked an option were you tell the kids his fathers in the house and he runs all excited there only to be crushed! That's evil, spewing crap that's trying to sound clever isn't. And fire ants? Seems they're taking...
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    Fallout 3 Hands-Ons #10

    Has there been any mention of how pickpocketing (my favourite thing to do when entering a new town) is handled?
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    Fallout 3 Hands-On #6

    It's rather annoying that in all these things they compare Fallout 3 to Oblivion and not the originals like they should. Only time they bring in the originals is when they bash it for "being a outdated 10 year old game"
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    Fallout 3 Hands-On #5

    Uhh... Okay. Guess it's a bit hard for them to discern between fantasy and post-nuclear war. And how come he gets a "boss" fight as a random encounter? Probably because if he had to think about which stats to increase he'd have less time to shoot and gut enemies. Its no fun when you have to...
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    Fallout 3 previewed

    Too bad they're focusing on the wrong details.. Too bad most people don't get this when they read the posts here. Did this guy just say Bethesda can't do anything other than bloom?
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    Todd answers 25 questions

    I'm surprised no one asked about the level scaling. Is it still that screwed up "lock it to a certain level first time you enter an area dependent on your level at that stage" or have they changed it since I read that?
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    Inside the Vault - Daniel Lee

    What's the (supposed) point of these "Inside the Vaults" things?
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    GamePro Fallout 3 preview

    This counts as a preview? I couldn't read much with all the "PRETTY BLOOM AND GFX" comments in my way. People use inductive arguments the wrong way round here. Everyone goes Obvlivion > Morro wind so then Fallout 3 > Oblivion, while in fact it's Daggerfall >> morrowind >>> oblivion... guess...
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    GameTap interviews Emil Pagliarulo

    What's the difference between a regular mutant and a supermutant? Were there any 'mutants' in the originals? I can;t remember now..
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    GameTap interviews Emil Pagliarulo

    I just noticed the one caption says : "One of the first groups you'll encounter is The Brotherhood of Steel." Hopefully this isn't true...
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    GameTap interviews Emil Pagliarulo

    Hopefully they remove those stupid "you have a 29% chance of succesfully lying to this person" stuff. It should be more like "Hmmm, I have charisma of 5 and speech of 70%. What do I think is my chances of convincing this guy to shoot his beloved dog?" Can't be, they said there is no dialog...
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    Bethesda responds to NMA's preview

    I agree, although if they do take this course of action it will be a bit obvious that they only want reviews that they deem as okay to their image. Kind of like a censorship board, no? It's understandable that a company wouldn't want any negative press but to go as far as to manipulate what is...
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    Eurogamer interviews Pete Hines

    If looking at the way Pete and the rest of the guys are going about interviews I think it's safe to assume you will be able to bluff your way through the entire game, either by talking incoherently the whole time or just not answering the questions :P Mutant: "Are you's being enemy?" You: "I...