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  1. B

    Bethesda responds to NMA's preview

    It'll just be stupid of Bethesda to stop all information flow because someone came and gave a good, informative preview that was not was not all OMGZ FALOUT 3 ROXXORS!!!! They didn't do anything wrong and didn't gloat or throw the fact that they were able to get the review in Beth's face, so...
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    'New' Fallout 3 screenshots

    Ahhh, yes, the Bloody Mess trait, everything gets blown apart. Why can't we have some screen shots where there isn't some guy getting blown to bits it it? And are all those people on the vault billboard frowning? That doesn't seem like a good way to advertise your product. "Come live with us...
  3. B

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    9/10 Chicks with guns kick ass +1 for being a really big gun
  4. B

    You know you play too much Fallout when...

    When you walk into someone's home and have the sudden urge to steal everything
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    Todd Howard in Official XBox Magazine podcast

    I'm missing the bit where you're supposed to be able to play without firing a shot. All I seem to hear is: "Look! Trolls! Orcs! I mean mutants that look like trolls and orcs! Lots of them! Go kill them all! In violent ways!" Can't we sue them for lying? For saying stuff like "we're staying...
  6. B

    Best part of fallout 1 & 2?

    Fallout 1: The dude from the Trading Company that's scared shitless of the Deathclaw. Fallout 2: Sulik!!!!! Or killing those uptight elitist assholes in Vault City.
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    Play interviews Emil Pagliarulo

    Weren't they leaving out the stupid leveling system? If you want to exploit an area by running around for hours leveling up then you can CHOOSE to play the game that way. So after the events in the originals (Blowing up the mutant spawning grounds and the Enclave main base) suddenly moving...
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    Fallout 3 Gamestar preview

    Why does DC still even exist? I'd have thought they'd Nuke the hell out of that place since it has both the White House and the Pentagon. That would've been my prime target if I was attacking USA.
  9. B

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    I saw my brother play it (Fallout 2) when I was about 12 or something. I liked nuclear stuff and this post WW3 game looked cool so I tried it. And I loved it :) Beat it waaay too many times by now, but I must say that when I was twelve the different dialog options and ways to play the game were...