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  1. Borov

    Tired... Posting all day... Must sleep... After one more post..... Just... One...

    Tired... Posting all day... Must sleep... After one more post..... Just... One... Moreeee.............
  2. Borov

    Fallout weapons discussion thread.

    One of 2 things can happen if a laser hits you: 1.cuts through you(like in the movies) explode(also... Like in the movies...) melt i guess??
  3. Borov

    Bethesda Shows Where Their Priorities Are (Patch 1.6 New)

    I dont really think them as idiots who dont give a crap about the games they make. I mean you can easily see that a lot of love and care was put into fallout 4 and skyrim, but you can also see that a lot of money talk went into it. I wouldn't go as far as to say that F5 will be same/worse, but...
  4. Borov

    Fallout weapons discussion thread.

    One of my favorite death animations comea from fallout 1 when you score a critical hit against a centaur with a plasma rifle-SPLOOSH!!! But im curious to know if such a weapon could even exsist. A weapon that could twist your very matter so that it changes its form from solid to liquid. Pretty...
  5. Borov

    Bethesda Shows Where Their Priorities Are (Patch 1.6 New)

    It will be a LONG time before we see another fallout. Obsidian is also working on Tyranny, which has only been teased and a release date hasn't been confirmed yet. Also I was talking about fixing F4 as it is in its current state. Fixing the ENTIRE FRANCHISE as a whole however, can only be done...
  6. Borov

    Slavery in post-Apocalypse

    Who: People with power such as having firepower or the power in numbers. Ex military soldiers, mercenaries, cops, escaped convicts or just a group of ordinary people who decided that having slaves would be useful. How: They get slaves by overwhelming other people with their superior might. The...
  7. Borov

    Bethesda Shows Where Their Priorities Are (Patch 1.6 New)

    Theres really no FIXING fallout 4,is there? The game is the way it is, and, unfortunately, no amount of patching will fix it to even come CLOSE to what we would expect to be a somewhat decent game :cry: I mean, maybe they could, but at this point it would take a lot of time and effort to do it...
  8. Borov

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Not sure where it comes from but looks cool enough i guess, 6/10
  9. Borov

    Thoughts on the current generation of gamers

    Meant if graphics were never really a factor in weather games were good or not.
  10. Borov

    Thoughts on the current generation of gamers

    Questw Question for all: What would games be like if the term graphics never existed? Also if graphics never reached past fallouts?
  11. Borov

    Thoughts on the current generation of gamers

    Questw Question for all: What would games be like if the term graphics never existed? Also if graphics never reached past fallouts?
  12. Borov

    Bethesda Shows Where Their Priorities Are (Patch 1.6 New)

    I can only wonder what the Bethesda fans thought when they saw this... WE WANT MOAR SETTELMENT AND ROBOTZ AN EXPLOZNS NOT DIS BULLSHIET. :jiggy:
  13. Borov

    Thoughts on the current generation of gamers

    I dont have any problems with people playing mainstream. games to unwind and relax (heck, im guilty of playing tons of TBoI, tho even that had a somewhat disturbing story). But when that's the ONLY they play, well... >_>:aiee: Even im starting to get why parents are so keen on getting us...
  14. Borov

    Thoughts on the current generation of gamers

    Im not kidding about it. They seriously need to let it go and admit that minecraft has rotten their brains. Also its 1am here, im tired and i probably missed the "you getting them into the classics" part. Sorry.
  15. Borov

    Thoughts on the current generation of gamers

    But that's not the point. Have they ever experienced Fallout/anyRPG or just heard about it? Also you wouldn't believe how many kids in my school who are all about 13-14 years old are minecraft fanatics. I even tried introducing one of them to no mans sky, but he just dismissed it and said that...
  16. Borov

    Thoughts on the current generation of gamers

    I believe that the first time I set my eyes on fallout was when I was about 8 years old. The game intimidated me in a lot of ways and the music scared the living crap out of me (didn't get past the entrance) . Fast foward 2 years later I tried playing it again. Made a lot more progress this...
  17. Borov

    Thoughts on the current generation of gamers

    Hah! Your brother reminds me of my cousin :-D.Only hes 8.
  18. Borov

    Thoughts on the current generation of gamers

    It seems that I am the only kid in my town to have (what I would consider) a deep love for games with good stories and great atmosphere.Whenever i try to convince someone of my age to play the First Fallout or maybe one of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games, they seem to just shrug it off and never want...
  19. Borov

    Fallout 4 + VR/bobbing for poop

    Yes, thats what i meant. Thanks :-)
  20. Borov

    Fallout 4 + VR/bobbing for poop

    Sorry but quick question: How do I start a discussion !?