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  1. K

    Fallout 1 encounter rate

    I can remember my speed walking from for example vault 13 to vault 15 and from BOS to Glow.... There is huge difference... I had to load tens of times because of sniper rifled combat armor guy encounters which have slain me all the time. And I got most of my xp from encounters. By the way...
  2. K

    Fallout 1 encounter rate

    there is for sure... i get almost no encounters i m moving tı fast... yes like alec said when I deacrease cpu speed with utility encounter rate increases but at the cost of incredible slow game. it s still different than the older times
  3. K

    Fallout 1 encounter rate

    guys Ihave trouble with encounter rate I used to play this game 15 years ago my comp was slow (pentium 133) I had many encounters and game was harder that s why map movement speed was very slow and so many encounters = many fun. Now I install this great game again but map movement speed...