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  1. D

    Need help with a script

    ooops. My bad. wrong rar. This should work:
  2. D

    Need help with a script

    EDIT: okay, turns out I'm an idiot. without ratio=x%, the game won't generate more than 1 critter, no matter how many you set in encounter table. Either way, now all that's left is to get the mapper to save critters and to set a script. I like the idea of kill count. All unique encounters...
  3. D

    Need help with a script

    I think I know the problem... I typed ; Random Encounter with Bots # local_vars=0 guess local_vars shouldn't be 0 :P I entered 4. While it's annoying that the bots waste AP by equipping their gun (makes the encounter easier), it at least works. Thanks! I have...
  4. D

    Need help with a script

    I'm using the 291 one. Double-checked. When I used 295, the brainbots weren't even generated. Removing their weapons (in worldmap.txt) ends with them being unarmed, however working properly. I'm not sure what went wrong here. They only fire back when attacked, unless they are unarmed...
  5. D

    Need help with a script

    Darek, when I use your script, Floating eye bots (the one with melee weapons) work fine. But brain bots still don't attack on sight, UNLESS they have no gear defined in worldmap (but the scripts fails to provide them with the guns too and they end gearless) could you remove the parts that...
  6. D

    Need help with a script

    I consider the mapper one of the worst tools ever. But I'll try :(
  7. D

    Need help with a script

    Thanks for the script! By the way, to add a new critter, do I have to work with that horrible mapper program? Because adding a new *.pro and pid number doesn't really do anything (when the encounter with the new critter is meant to be played, it just goes back to world map instantly).
  8. D

    Need help with a script

    Unfortunately, setting global variables is something I have no clue how to do. I'm not sure the "Counter" parameter does work... can anyone confirm that?
  9. D

    Need help with a script

    well, it looks like Greek to me :) But I'm guessing this is what I'm looking for. If only I knew how to compile sfall scripts :P thank you very much! Now all I need is a way to prevent unique encounters from re-popping.
  10. D

    Need help with a script

    I need help with the WCSecBot script. I have used it as a script for the map encounter with robots in my mod, however, it doesn't work too well because it's full of unnecessary SAD triggers. It results in the robots not attacking on sight, like they should in a encounter. I could give them a...
  11. D

    Bigger fights?

    That's awesome. I wasn't aware deathclaws take such massive crit damage. x5 torso crit, x8 eye critical, holy! :) I keep forgetting that each body type has different critical hit table and somehow always use "human" table as reference point... By the way, does anybody know what's the...
  12. D

    Bigger fights?

    I don't want to disable critical hits for that encounter. I want to disable instant kill. Which is, among others, a grade 6 torso critical. Reason: a typical powerbuild can shoot a gauss pistol 6 times and achieve a critical each time thanks to sniper. Grade 6 crit occurs 20% of the...
  13. D

    Bigger fights?

    Unfortunately, any scripting is beyond me. Unless somebody is willing to help. Aww damn. I will have to get rid of the Legendary Deathclaw encounter. What's the point of putting a powerful beast there when there's a 26% chance it will be still alive after first turn against a typical gauss...
  14. D

    Bigger fights?

    Glad to hear it. So far I have planned 31 additional encounters. Most of them are enlarged versions of what we already have in the game, but some are unique and based on enemies that appear only in solid locations (i.e. brain bots). The harder ones have level requirements and are quite...
  15. D

    Bigger fights?

    The bigger encounters will have very small chances of appearing. Don't worry. Enclave encounters in specific will happen only after you've beaten the game and even then will be rare. The Executioner encounter is one-time encounter and it requires character level 50 so far. I will leave most...
  16. D

    Bigger fights?

    Is there a way to make a critter immune to instant kill crits? Like Frank Horrigan is?
  17. D

    New tools for Fallout 1/2

    never mind, found a solution already
  18. D

    Bigger fights?

    thanks! one more issue: is it possible to make an encounter that appears only if a faction is hostile? I would love to instroduce Salvatore/Mordino/Bishop/Wright assassins.
  19. D

    Elite Riot Armor, Joshua's or Armor of the 87th Tribe?

    Sadly,the armor piercing crit was grade 2,3,4,5 and 6 was instant kill. So... with better crits, pretty much EVERY crit you made was either armor piercing, or (20% of them) instantly killing. What's worse, with sniper, every hit was pretty much crit, so... armor was severly underpowered in F2...
  20. D

    FO3/NV way too easy?

    It's like F1 and F2 - easy, but satisfying. They did include a fair share of overpowered perks, weapons and ammo, but the carnage that follows obtaining them is just great. If anything, I'm kinda sad there isn't a place FILLED with legion guys, deathclaws, cazadors... not 10-15, but something...