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  1. D

    Bigger fights?

    In case anybody is interested, I have not abandoned this project. It's just going reaaaly slow due to my lack of time and attention. Does anybody know how to STOP a random encouter from appearing after a certain quest is fulfilled? I'd love to take down "Enclave Patrols" once you destroy...
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    Vault Boy pics for the Hero Appearance Mod

    If you need help with the black dude mod, let me know, since it would be pointless for us to do literally the same thing twice :) (though I'm making a Vic mod out of it but it barely matters, the only difference will be a custom power armor, helmetless.)
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    Vault Boy pics for the Hero Appearance Mod

    By the way, is the black dude officially started by someone? I wanted to make Vic a black dude, but it's a lot of work, perhaps someone else is already doing this.
  4. D

    Vic bugged?

    Thanks for the investigation! Perhaps I got some sort of one time bug then, because in my previous game, Vic always acted first (yes, before Sulik and Cassidy), but never attacked 2nd time - pretty weird. cheers!
  5. D

    Bigger fights?

    Don't forget to buy a large supply of super stimpacks for your team :p
  6. D

    Bigger fights?

    Yes it can, as Pixote noted there are patterns in which the monsters are spawned, setting it to "surrounding" does that little effect. @Asmodan there's a probability to use an aimed attack (represented by 1/N). I wonder if I could set N=1 so that the enemies use only aimed attacks. Sniper...
  7. D

    Bigger fights?

    With some help, I probably could. As I said before, I'm a crappy modder ^^ As for the barter system, well, it's broken beyond salvation anyway, so no biggie. A limit on gambling (max 10000$ total winnings) per casino and a 1/10 or 1/20 price offered for guns and armors would solve things...
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    Custom PA for Vic

    By the way: instead of painfully copying the files into folders use this batch file: @Echo Off For %%J in (C:\Users\Pierre\Desktop\Fallout2\Vic\Black\*.*) Do ( MD %%~dpnJ move %%J %%~dpnJ) Of course replace the path for your directory it will automatically create folders from...
  9. D

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    On the whole Navarro issue... wasn't there an intended level 12 character check or so? Since stealng from SF is fixed, fixing the blasted APA from level 2 would be gold :) Cheaters, go play tetris :D
  10. D

    Bigger fights?

    It is doable, it's not even that time-consuming, albeit there's a few places where you have to address the new encounters, especially if with custom AI. I like the scenario suggestion with abandoned buldings and stuff, that would make cool custom encounter, but it might be slightly above me...
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    Bigger fights?

    a character built like Per suggests (and like most people do) would have 144 HP at level 30. It's not enough :) level 30 lifegiver build would have 276 HP (much better but still tricky, depending on luck). level 40 lifegiver build would have 396 HP - much better! assuming Enclave...
  12. D

    Bigger fights?

    Well, the final encounters would be aimed for a char that kept playing after the finish. There's pretty much no way you can beat such a force legit without scoring a row of instant crit-kills. They will tear you to shreds if you aren't heavily drugged (jet..) and having like 500 HP with a ton...
  13. D

    Custom PA for Vic

    I am aware of the painfully boring copypaste work. And a million projects that were dumped after a week :D But hey, I always liked NPCs. With most bugs fixed (notably the level 6 bug) within RP, I can finally enjoy some team action... well, almost, Vic's appearance annoys me to hell :D Along...
  14. D

    Bigger fights?

    Is it possible to make encounters bigger? I.e. three packs of six aliens instead of one pack? That would please all combat fans, since killing six aliens or claws ain't a big deal, but killing 20 or 30 may start to be tricky. Of course it would be great if there was a Char level limit for...
  15. D

    Custom PA for Vic

    Okay guys, I decided to try and make a proper "black dude" mod for Vic. Reason: while I respect the original "custom armors" mod author and his work, I think custom Vic models (leather, combat and especially metal) look really awful. Contrary to Sulik and Vic, which look awesome. However...
  16. D

    Custom PA for Vic

    Thanks pixote! awesome! :D
  17. D

    Custom PA for Vic

    Yea he does and imho it doesn't look that good (along with his awkward walking style). Up to one's aesthetic ofc but I'd rather have him in a well made custom PA, since it's an eyecandy.
  18. D

    Vic bugged?

    Stage 6 Vic has 16 sequence.. equivalent of 8 Perception. How's that low? :p Cassidy has 18. I don't remember Sulik's. Unless the wastes are crowded with enemies having more than 16... But naw, Vic acts directly after the combat initiator and me (he does skip 2nd action in 1st turn only). Seems...
  19. D

    Custom PA for Vic

    Hello, Iirc there's no custom Vic PA appearance. I'd love to change that. I wanted to modify the existing like it was done with Sulik & cassidy (copypaste the head, add some custom sign on armor, maybe a gear to indicate mechanic background, I'd also add a toolbelt but I'm afraid it's beyond...
  20. D

    Vic bugged?

    I noticed many times the following pattern: (I have sulik and Cassidy in team) Turn 1: Enemy shoots me I shoot Vic Shoots Cassidy Shoots Sulik shoots Rest of enemies shoots Cassidy shoots again Sulik shoots again Vic doesn't Turn 2: Normal sequence (enemy, me, team, etc.)...