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  1. D

    Unlimited Party Members Mod for Fallout 2 -please read!

    Of course, a matter of adding an "or" line to the CHA check. Don't look at me though, I suck at coding.
  2. D

    is it me or the map a bit small......

    hell no. The walk speed is already annoying. making the game bigger would just mean more pointless walking.
  3. D

    NCR in New Vegas

    And he should, too. Again, what can NCR want from him? they already agreed to share the power (95% to NCR, 5% to Mr.House). There isn't much to discuss because Mr. House doesn't want to become any part of the Republic. I
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    NCR in New Vegas

    Which is fine. As I said before, NCR does whatever sane government would do in such place: rebuild. And that's ok. But the question is, what's their plan? To me it's obvious: reinstalling the US. Again. With the same method of governing it. And that's exactly why I think it sucks as an...
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    NCR in New Vegas

    House is crippled and living on borrowed time. He can't exactly go to an embassy and discuss politics, if you haven't noticed ;) Besides, what's the use of discussing anything with NCR? THey seem to be capable of one thing: annexing. And they would most likely offer annexation on peaceful...
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    NCR in New Vegas

    And let's not forget that Yes-Man is an "emergency ending". Feels more or less pushed there for the sake of giving you an option if you screw up with all factions. Oh and besides.. The House always wins ;)
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    Well, Giant Radscorps spawn north of Goodsprings mostly. They can spawn south but it's rare and in optional areas. You may reach New Vegas without fighting them by going the suggested way - through primm, nipton and novac - then go to jacobstown since there is nothing threatening between Vegas...
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    Coping with pack-rattery

    I don't waste time picking items that cost less than 100 caps. Money is irrelevant in this game anyway, ammunition is quite cheap and there is no weapon/armor you have to buy. Except implants, there is nothing expensive that you'll WANT in this game.
  9. D

    NCR in New Vegas

    As we all can see in game, NCR doesn't do diddly dick. Putting powerless outposts of soldiers with an order not to do anything? Great protection. House never claimed he rules the wasteland, or Mohave. And he protects well what is his (Strip) contrary to NCR, which fails to protect the land...
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    NCR in New Vegas

    Nipton belongs to NCR land. The mayor must have been accepted by NCR authorities, right? Unless NCR doesn't give two fucks about who rules their cities, but I don't believe that. Yep, it's predictable all right - from the beginning till the unfortunate end. ;) It's the "predictable" part...
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    NCR in New Vegas

    Bad_Karma, House isn't dumb and doesn't want to start war against NCR - notice he prefers to deal with them in a diplomatic way. NCR already fuels his pocket and not the other way around. To start other enterprises, you need to settle a business that will ENABLE you to get money to do so...
  12. D

    The verdict on Caesar's Legion (minor early-game spoilers)?

    Democracy sucks because it can't be implemented. What we have is an illusion of democracy: Our representatives, elected by the majority, usually do things the majority doesn't want them to do anyway. Making unpopular decisions is normal for "democracy". Current democracy is actually oligarchy...
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    a side note. hate wasting ammo on Giant Radscorps? Give Boone the unique supersledge, "oh baby". Set him to melee. Now he will kill a giant radscorpion with 2-3 hits on very hard mode. Fun.
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    I dislike game-balance mods myself... I prefer to play the "true game" that the creators made, not "mr modder's vision of the game". Even if it's too easy. I only use mods to fix bugs because those are made the same day the game is released usually while official patches take weeks or months.
  15. D

    Unlimited Party Members Mod for Fallout 2 -please read!

    Use my script, it worked flawlessly for me. had 8 party members afaik.
  16. D

    who did you side with on your first playthrough

    I agree with rxantos. I feel the same way. - Caesar is barbarism - definitely out. - NCR is same old thing we have now. Another democracy illusion with corruption and moral dissolution running rampant. May as well turn into another enclave or bomb the enemies with nuclear weaponry once it...
  17. D

    NCR in New Vegas

    Bad_Karma: rebuilding the casinos was brilliant. haven't you notice how NCR says the casinos will bleed them dry? House gets a MAJOR profit for keeping them. Keep in mind that you need funds to do great things and House acquires them in a very clever way. Building forges and all of that would...
  18. D

    The sniper rifles are so powerful it makes me cry.

    The real issue with sniper rifles is that they are better than everything else in this game, in any situation, not just sniping. Not that it matters in a single player game, but if you're looking for optimal strategy, there is only one, seeing how much better it is than the rest - which is bad...
  19. D

    NCR in New Vegas

    His goals and goals of NCR president are vastly different. NCR wants, as I said before, to rule. Like every other government. House wants to help humanity. Big difference. And hires mercs to harass Jacobstown. But you are right, NCR is based on pre-war US. Keep in mind however that...