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  1. D

    Just cause its BETTER doesn't make NV perfect...

    So far I don't like the fact that dialogue sucks (better than in F3 but still sucks) and that "stealing" from powder gangers lowers your karma. Seriously, wtf... But it's a good game anyway.
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    Combat questions, please help!

    1. is fast shot/slayer of any use in VATS? Does it reduce AP cost by 20/30% respectively, or is only good for real-time? 2. Is the skill that bumps your accuracy by 20% at the cost of weapon speed any use outside VATS? Does accuracy even count outside vats, or is it just that bullets go...
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    Combat overhaul ideas

    I agree. You can also simply go to San Francisco and buy whatever gauss rifles and power armors you need after acquiring enough H&K CAWS from random encounters. Provided you don't go to navarro at level 2 to get Advanced Power Armor, of course. Those things feel less of a trophy. I like how...
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    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    The more you set, the less the critters will change weapons after shooting and move 2-3 hexes after shooting. 4 AP unless you use some sort of melee weapons on your team is best. I actually got frank horrigan to switch to his end boss knife at the beginning of combat because of this feature...
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    By the way, I got +2 CHA from ACE operation again... was this changed or is it just my game? (took implants before doing this)
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    mod requests

    all right, maybe you'll have enough time one day ;) cheers
  7. D

    Talking Heads

    Awesome! Maybe Vic should also get a custom head? :)))
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    mod requests

    Btw Nirran, maybe you can try removing Vic's helm from the RP Power Armor animations? I really suck at this... and when I have custom Cassidy and custom Sulik, seeing Vic in "the ordinary" PA is so... uninspiring :( I believe he is restriced to pistol and rifle animation, knife can be skipped...
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    mod requests

    There is a black dude model for metal armor but none for leather and combat afaik. Also, PAs on NPCs look awesome if they are customized (helmetless and with some kind of customalization put on PA), but that's a load of work. If I knew how to do this, I'd start working on Vic's helmetless PA...
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    It's a lot of work. For a char that has been a joke addition (shotgun wedding), you're surely asking for a lot. Fallout 2 is not about bioware-styled romances and Miria is a horrible NPC, not being able to level up, having pitiful life and horrible accuracy. If you mod her up to be decent, it's...
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    I've found a ton of special encounters - pretty much all of them - with 9 LK and not even a single point spent on outdoorsman which was really low, I recall. But I spent a fair share of time fighting in random encounters.
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    rex303: It's not a bug, his skills are tightly matched, the str bonus from power armor makes his unarmed better than his small guns. And don't use sniper rifle on Cassidy ;))
  13. D

    RL Weapon stats mod + Armor chnages

    I know fallout was not meant to be realistic, but dodging bullets... ;) Yeah, you are easier to hit when you are twice as big. On the other hand, I'm not sure how much it matters - after all, an "ordinary" sized human isn't hard to shoot anyway. In most games snipers aim for your head, for...
  14. D

    RL Weapon stats mod + Armor chnages

    Sorry to bother you but Armor Class imho IS the ability to bounce off and deflect things. What else can it be, dodging bullets? It's not matrix. You can't dodge bullets. Taking cover is something different than dodging bullets and definitely shouldn't be described by Armor Class. You can wear a...
  15. D

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    There are only four NPCs that reach level 6. Some of them have their sixth level described on wiki Vic Sulik - 146 HP 13 AP (but 8 agility - give him a psycho and his AP jumps to 15!), 43% critical chance (!!!), quite possibly the best NPC around. Dogmeat - I believe his final critical...
  16. D

    Unlimited Party Members Mod for Fallout 2 -please read!

    The party check removal was already done by me for a few NPCs (I couldn't bother myself for removing the limit for Myron or Lenny or other useless NPCs and I forgot about K9, which is the only useful dog NPC - but others are here and with decent CHA you can pick those whose limits aren't removed...
  17. D

    mod requests

    Actually the first one is very easy. Download F2 weapon editor and set the projectile from "none" to "electricity bolt". Works well with Killap's RP. I also used it to change Bozar's horrible and unfitting sounds in RP back to original. Spinning barrels don't make much sense with bozar, but a...
  18. D

    NPC Armor

    I wish there was Vic's helmetless PA animation. Heck, I'd even make one if I knew how to. i just wonder what would he put on his Power Armor :) (Sulik: Tribal signs, Cassidy: American flag, Vic: ?)
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    mod requests

    As an idea of joinable companion, I'd suggest sgt. Granite :)
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    that would be nice, but pretty unnatural if you could move them but they had to attack themselves. Especially when the function that makes them use their remaining APs after killing someone is on. I think no aimed shots + no bonus perks + no tag skills, if possible, would make this option...