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  1. P

    Interplay - rats leaving the sinking ship.

    Herve can afford a janitor?
  2. P

    Troika hiring!

    Good luck! :D
  3. P

    Troika hiring!

    Man, I hope Troika has a new gig backed by a publisher. A fresh, new PA CRPG would be great!
  4. P

    Todd doesn't get it

    I'll admit this made me cringe - a lot. But again, I'll wait and see. And Rosh, the comparison w/ EA (uhg), Origin and Ultima was not lost on me. I agree with what you're saying. I'm just hoping this won't fall under the same cow pie avalanche.
  5. P

    Todd is on a rampage

    I honestly don't remember. Imentioned quitea few inconsistencies (like the Humvee, for example) with the Fallout universe, but actual details are a blur. That happens in QA - you end up going through so many games, they almost all seem alike after a while.
  6. P

    Todd doesn't get it

    Well, give him a chance. We still don't know that much about what they plan to do besides wanting to reach a broader market via console and PC - they're a business first and they have to approach the project looking for the biggest payoff. If it's good, it should sell. It won't please everyone...
  7. P

    Todd is on a rampage

    Eh, Todd, FOT was a strategy game, not an RPG - big difference. That's like trying to compare Warcraft II with Baldur's Gate II. FOT was generally received poorly because it was a strategy game and not an RPG, though there were thin RPG elements. Plus the overall story got rather tedious after...
  8. P

    Fallout Press items

    EA... Nevermore...
  9. P

    Fallout Press items

    Hey Odin! Get that dirty EA logo away from me, will ya? It's giving me a rash! :P
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    Fallout Press items

    The best was still the Vault 13 whiskey flask. ScottE had one in his office – I coveted it often.
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    Luke Haase...Interplay desperately working on report.

    For some reason, this story reminds me of an article I read about cockroaches being so good at dodging death that they could survive a nuclear holocaust. I'm just sayin'.
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    Sky Captain and the world of Tomorrow

    May I drink and read news? :lol:
  13. P

    Leonard Q&A@Hardwired

    Odin is accurate with this. If you played FOT just in turn-based, it was painfully easy. All balancing was aimed towards the CTB model. I know - I was on the testing team at the time. That's why when we were working on F3, we were focusing balance on turn-based combat. The option for CTB was...
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    Leonard Q&A@Hardwired

    You hit the nail on the head (yes, I'm well aware I am currently employed by the "evil empire" - but I don't like it and hopefully it'll change, soon). As long as big publishers call the shots, they'll dictate what everyone else makes. I'm afraid our future of CRPG's will be relegated to niche...
  15. P

    Sean K. Reynolds interview at DAC

    Nope, not mechanical. It was a Rottweiler which was exposed to "something" that made it a little bigger, a little tougher, and a little meaner than the average rotty-rot (I love Rottweilers, btw). You had to do a few things before the dog would befriend you, though. Also, we wanted to make a...
  16. P

    Sean K. Reynolds interview at DAC

    *shrug* got me. Maybe Bethesda got the assets to use as a reference point, maybe the assets are being stored in a disk and filed in Herve's bathroom cupboard.
  17. P

    Sean K. Reynolds interview at DAC

    No that was reworked, too. We opted for a Real Doll in every box. We expected people wouldn't leave the house very much when they started playing F3, and the Real Doll didn't require snuggling and pillow talk.
  18. P

    Sean K. Reynolds interview at DAC

    The prison? No, not that I recall. It was a place you could return to (had to from time to time to return prisoners and interact with the computer) from time to time.
  19. P

    Sean K. Reynolds interview at DAC

    PC Town was cut - I know, I re-wrote all of Hoover Dam and what happened within. It would have been pretty cool, but the time frame to flesh out such an area compared to the ship date did not mesh. But you could still get a habitat in Hoover Dam - a choice of two, in fact. One was in the slummy...
  20. P

    More ICNTATN from Hines

    To play devil's advocate, I don't blame them for being hush-hush at this point. Anything they would say right now about the game, even if it is hypothetical, might be construed as gospel and folks would go on a virtual rampage in support or against the idea(s). They are in a very delicate place...