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  1. Mutant Screg

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    Was good up until the lyrics. Love myself some vikings, but this just didn't do it for me. 6/10
  2. Mutant Screg

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    5/10 Sounds like a run-of-the-mill rap song, but that's just me. Didn't really care for the beat either.
  3. Mutant Screg

    Anybody looking to get a Fallout PnP game going?

    For the sake of finally reaching a decision, I think we should just go with GURPS. Looking at it again, it doesn't look remotely as "hard" as I assumed it was. Plus, GURPS just has a nice ring to it :razz:
  4. Mutant Screg

    Anybody looking to get a Fallout PnP game going?

    Gotcha. In that case, I think Fallout PnP is the lesser of two evils in comparison to GURPS, which looks complex as all hell. And I'm not too convinced about using d20. Just think it'd be better to use a system that's tailor-fit for Fallout RP. What do you think?
  5. Mutant Screg

    Anybody looking to get a Fallout PnP game going?

    Concerning this, what do you think of Fallout: Warfare? Skimmed through the rule book last night, and it seemed simplistic enough to not be too intimidating for people new to pnp.
  6. Mutant Screg

    Trudging Ever Onward

    Thanks for the feedback! I was trying to give off the impression that his plot for revenge doesn't stem solely from the fact that he is ugly. Tried to highlight the fact that he really had no reason to go after the guy, other than the fact that he was bored of his usual routine and had no other...
  7. Mutant Screg

    Trudging Ever Onward

    Note: Very new writer. Constructive criticism and other general comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. My name was Jonah Williams, but everyone just calls me Bronn nowadays. I didn't pick it, but it's fitting, to say the least. What the fuck else do you call hired muscle? But I digress...
  8. Mutant Screg

    The NMA RPG Group

    I'm in.
  9. Mutant Screg


    Name: Jonah Williams Nickname/Alias: Bronn Gender: Male Race: Super Mutant Height: 10'8"(slouched) Age: ?? Occupation: Mercenary/Bodyguard PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Big, mean and green. Is never seen without his suit of armor, a hodgepodge of scavenged power armor and car metal. Ridiculously tall...
  10. Mutant Screg

    Hey. Just wondering where you've been, man. Last I've heard of your WIP Fallout novel was over a...

    Hey. Just wondering where you've been, man. Last I've heard of your WIP Fallout novel was over a year ago. Is everything OK?
  11. Mutant Screg

    Beginners Guide to Fallout:Equestria

    Alright, cool. I'll probably check it out eventually then. Even if I hate it, at least I'll have a reason to.
  12. Mutant Screg

    Anybody looking to get a Fallout PnP game going?

    Hey, thanks for the support. It'll take me a while to get comfortable with rules and such with work most of the time, but when I get something going I'll pm you.
  13. Mutant Screg

    Beginners Guide to Fallout:Equestria

    Yeah, pretty much what I was asking. Just curious as to how much similarities there are with the show, or if the only thing they have in common is ponies.
  14. Mutant Screg

    Beginners Guide to Fallout:Equestria

    Been wanting to check it out for the longest time, but I'm still a little iffy, what with the characters being ponies and all. How in-your-face are the MLP elements?
  15. Mutant Screg

    Anybody looking to get a Fallout PnP game going?

    I have no experience whatsoever with these types of things, but I'm really eager to check it out.
  16. Mutant Screg

    What are your favorite types of game runs?

    I've heard great things about low int runs. Sounds like a fun time, I think I'll try that out. Thank you
  17. Mutant Screg

    What are your favorite types of game runs?

    Sounds good. Any other ideas you wish to add? Really want to do something radically different, since I went with my usual small guns, speech, and science build. Also, and I'll probably be kicking myself later for this, stuff that'll make the game a bit more challenging beyond changing the combat...
  18. Mutant Screg

    Just finished my 50th "?" Fallout 2 run! I'm still learning.

    Whoa, guess I was super lucky then. Ran into this encounter on my second playthrough. Didn't know it was so rare.
  19. Mutant Screg

    What are your favorite types of game runs?

    I'm talking iron man, speed run, etc. Just beat Fallout 1 for the first time, and before replaying Fallout 2 I want to replay the original once more. But I want to do something different, to make the run memorable. So, any ideas?
  20. Mutant Screg

    Fallout 4 Roleplay? (OOC)

    Poor guy just wanted to roleplay, and you guys are roasting on him lmao