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  1. Mutant Screg

    Pipboy companion app for Fallout 4 is out

    There just really isn't a point to it. Sure, it'd be sort of fun to use day one when the hype is at its peak, but after that it's pretty pointless. Hell, I'd probably be wearing it if I had bought the special edition.
  2. Mutant Screg

    Anyone know what happened to recreation of Fallout 1 in Gamebryo?

    Well shit. The mod looks pretty far along, a lot more developed than I expected it to be. It looks like it's shaping up to be a pretty impressive piece of work! Only thing that really annoyed me is the unimaginative scenery, the vault level design, and how travelling with a companion seems to be...
  3. Mutant Screg

    favorite fallout 2 moment?

    Talking shit to the Enclave soldier on the radio while visiting Gecko, and then tricking them into thinking it wasn't me when they actually came down to blast my ass
  4. Mutant Screg

    Anyone know what happened to recreation of Fallout 1 in Gamebryo?

    A while ago I heard of a modder or group of modders working on a project entailing the reconstruction of Fallout 1 inside of the Gamebryo engine. It was basically a massive Fallout 3 overhaul IIRC. Has there been any recent news about that? I assume the project was abandoned, but I'd just like...
  5. Mutant Screg

    Whats the backstory of your New Vegas Courier?

    I like to think of the Courier and the Lone Wanderer as the same person, however unrealistic that is, considering the distance between DC and Nevada. Anyway, the Lone Wanderer fled DC after the activation of Project Purity, and the final destruction of the Enclave, to serve a more routine life...
  6. Mutant Screg

    'My Little Fallout'

    I'd say blame the man children that took those morons on /b/ seriously
  7. Mutant Screg

    What if the NCR-Brotherhood war never happened?

    Some of my thoughts on the matter. Don't trust me on knowing every tidbit of lore that could conflict with anything below, and please let me know if you notice any discrepancies. I can see several BoS bunkers grouping up to form an assault team on let's say the Hub for example. With their...