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  1. Kilgore Trout

    [News]Bethesda won't let Obsidian work on Fallout 4

    Yeah, my motto is "people: who needs 'em?" Anyway: if some kind of investment angel were to snap up the Fallout license and give it to Obsidian, I would actually hope that they created a brand new game rather than simply trying to recreate VB, simply because so many ideas from the design...
  2. Kilgore Trout

    NV voice acting.

    The voice acting in New Vegas leaves a lot to be desired, IMO, but it's certainly better than Skyrim's and other recent Beth games (In New Vegas it feels like a dozen people are trying to voice a cast of hundreds; in Skyrim it feels like three people are trying to voice a cast of thousands). My...
  3. Kilgore Trout

    Companion you hated most on a personal level?

    Agreed. I still feel bad handing her over to the Van Graffs, though - maybe I could justify it if they had a longer, more interesting quest line and a slide of their own at the end.
  4. Kilgore Trout

    Is NV railroaded?

    I don't think it railroads you at all. To me a railroad implies that you have only one path available and are incapable of deviating from it or circling back. This is clearly not the case in New Vegas, where the player more less sets the agenda and direction. While the player is strongly...
  5. Kilgore Trout

    The Power Armor dilemma in New Vegas

    I actually don't mind the Power Armor Training perk, I just wish it had been implemented more consistently - i.e. no stuffing random companions into power armor, which would mean that of New Vegas' companions, only Veronica and Arcade should be able to wear it. Even though no training was...
  6. Kilgore Trout

    The Power Armor dilemma in New Vegas

    In terms of actually existing game mechanics, you are correct. In terms of realism, there is no way some junkie could be stronger or more effective in combat than someone in a suit of functioning power-armor. When I roleplay prospector characters, I always have them treat power armor as the...
  7. Kilgore Trout

    Cazadors or Deathclaws?

    I wouldn't want either of them removed. Yes, they are tough, but I like the challenge of taking them on, and few things are more satisfying than building a character who is powerful enough to get past these obstacles, whether through stealth or brute force or tactical firepower or some...
  8. Kilgore Trout

    Places you'd like to see a Fallout game take place

    I think these are great ideas, and it would be interesting to see the game take place in both locales, given their proximity to each other; we could once again have a Fallout that spans multiple regions! There's a underground tunnel that connects Detroit and Ontario which might be an...
  9. Kilgore Trout

    Tell us your favourite protagonist

    I like the Courier because of the huge amount of freedom you have in constructing the character and their backstory (events of Lonesome Road notwithstanding). The Vault Dweller is a very close second, due to the sheer badassery of taking down an army of Super Mutants. Also lots of roleplaying...
  10. Kilgore Trout

    Fallout tattoo

    Yeah, that is not a group you want to mess around with. The Children emblem would make a sweet tat. If you ever find yourself in San Francisco and are feeling adventurous, I can recommend a few artists. And I agree, it's a shame the Followers don't have a more distinctive symbol. You'd be...
  11. Kilgore Trout

    Favorite FONV Equipment?

    Yes, sadly Power armor in New Vegas is just not that impressive. Certainly, its modest bonuses are not worth the long time it takes to acquire. Aesthetically, I've always found power armor in New Vegas to be kind of ugly, too; the T-51 in particular makes the wearer look like a steel version...
  12. Kilgore Trout

    Is it wrong to compare Fallout 1+2 with 3 in terms of story?

    Except that Bethesda aren't a bunch of high schoolers, they are professionals, and if a professional company produces high school level work, they should be prepared for critics to call them out on it! It's definitely not "wrong" to compare the game world and storyline (or lack thereof, as...
  13. Kilgore Trout

    Weird things you do in your games...

    I try to loot "realistically", i.e. I'll go through the pockets of my dead enemies but won't grab armor or weapons unless I'm swapping out my current set. I try to limit myself to one rifle/large melee weapon, one sidearm, a knife, and maybe a few grenades or sticks of dynamite, along with a...
  14. Kilgore Trout

    Are the Brotherhood of Steel ambiguously good or evil?

    This. I think one of the major themes of the Fallout franchise is that categories like "good" and "evil" can't really be applied to human societies, even if we qualify them with "ambiguous". There are just many different shades of grey. But if we have to describe them with D&D alignments, I...
  15. Kilgore Trout

    Favorite FONV Equipment?

    Yeah, JG's armor is another favorite of mine. I like to pair it with the Medicine Stick; the Native designs on the armor's shirt sleeves and the medicine wheel on the rifle go well together and create a distinctive look for Cowboy type couriers.
  16. Kilgore Trout

    Weird things you do in your games...

    Crap, is this why he always dies randomly?? I thought it was a glitch or something. I should try to see if I can catch him and provide an escort.
  17. Kilgore Trout

    Favorite FONV Equipment?

    Replaying New Vegas always makes me appreciate the sheer variety of weapons, armor and clothing options that are in the game, especially with the DLCs installed. What is your favorite weapon/apparel combination? For me it has to be the Vault 34 Security Armor and Helmet along with a fully...
  18. Kilgore Trout

    To me, Honest Hearts really wasn't that good...

    It's possible - but supremely difficult, unless you decide to cheese your way through by spamming superstims or something. You'll be amazed at how quickly your badass courier, who eats deathclaw omelets for breakfast every morning, will die at the hands of Mr. Graham - bullets from his gun seem...
  19. Kilgore Trout

    To me, Honest Hearts really wasn't that good...

    Honest Hearts had an interesting premise but a poor execution. I found the way the game depicted "tribals" to be both problematic and also quite boring - it really felt like it was a huge step backward for the Fallout series to have bad caricatures of Native Americans in place of interesting...
  20. Kilgore Trout

    Would you rather be a Vault Dweller or a Wastelander?

    Even if we assume that life in a Vault is more comfortable than the wasteland, who says that "comfort" should be the measure of a life? “Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a...