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  1. Antiwarprofallout

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    I used the birthrate from America in 1905 for the NCR's population from 2241. 1,540,000 folk, though it would be most likely higher due to newly annexed areas.
  2. Antiwarprofallout

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    The NCR had 700,000 folk fourty years prior to Fallout New Vegas. They'd have a birth rate similar to a booming industrial nation, so they'd have plenty more folk by the time NV takes place, and they also took other places across that period too.
  3. Antiwarprofallout

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    I don't think you have been looking at the geography of the Mojave outpost lately, but it's a hill surrounded by mountains on both sides with a plain behind it. There would be trenches going down the hill all the way to the bottom from side to side. The Frumentari would have a hard time getting...
  4. Antiwarprofallout

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    The biggest unit the Legion has is a cohort usually composed of around 500 infantrymen, while the biggest unit in the NCR army is a division of around 10,000 men. This is indicative of a far smaller size of army than you suggest. So instead of 10,000 vs 100, it'd be 5,000 vs 10,000. As for...
  5. Antiwarprofallout

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    The NCR has a mechanized division and uses trucks over in McCarran. The NCR also has plenty of vertibirds left from the war against the Enclave. Also that "cannon" is a anti-air gun, and since the NCR's military is based on modern militaries it can be safely assumed that they have some artillery...
  6. Antiwarprofallout

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    One, the legion isn't mechanized. They hate technology, them using trucks to move forces quickly from one place to another is very unlikely. Two, the Legion has no effective counter to Vertibirds. They wouldn't be using missle launchers any time soon, that is probably a bit too advanced for...
  7. Antiwarprofallout

    What do anarchists want?

    Uhh I said Statism. Not Satanism.
  8. Antiwarprofallout

    Bethesda 2016 E3 showcase

    Bethesda will never remaster Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas because if they did no one would want to play Fallout 4. Seriously I started playing New Vegas again and just WOW I haven't collected a single ounce of garbage for crafting at all like in FO4. Instead I've been immersed in actual...
  9. Antiwarprofallout

    "Fallout 3 is Garbage, And Here's Why", video by hbomberguy

    The only bug I've had after about a year of NV on console is getting stuck inside a pipe in old world blues. Ok maybe it wasn't the only one but it was the funniest.
  10. Antiwarprofallout

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    The legion doesn't bring good living standards in a place where it would be in constant war with other factions. The NCR could have an easy time fortifying the Mojave Outpost, and could put artillery up there to shell Legion positions. A dozen machine guns, some barbed wire and a few trenches...
  11. Antiwarprofallout

    What do anarchists want?

    Statism is utopian in concept too. It's based on the idea that organized violence can solve complex social problems, and will work. Anyway, almost all ways to organize society are viable in one form or another. Communism worked pretty well on a small scale in India and Indonesia for example...
  12. Antiwarprofallout

    "Fallout 3 is Garbage, And Here's Why", video by hbomberguy

    I have a question for anyone who reads this. Does the exstence of New Vegas make you enjoy Fallout 3 more or hate it more? Because for me it makes me like it more. It's like the Alpha/Beta version of New Vegas in a different environment with worse writing and it's filled with good and bad...
  13. Antiwarprofallout

    The Iraq War

    We needn't get overcomplicated about this. There is a very simple solution to this simple problem. Kill the terrorists, and when more people join, kill them too. We need to carpet bomb them into oblivion, and get boots on the ground in their territory. The simple strategy is what caused the...
  14. Antiwarprofallout

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Hi, I'm a pretty new Fallout fan. My first fallout game was New Vegas and that was last year. I loved it, though I was always bugged by the NCR helmet design. I then bought Fallout 3 a few months later, and the best time I had with it was laughing at how I could tell a Military A.I "you're...
  15. Antiwarprofallout

    The Legion is the best option for the wasteland

    The Legion is built around a cult of personality around Caesar. Caesar isn't immortal , when he dies, the slave-soldiers will stop having him to believe in. They won't have his charismatic nature getting them to believe that their goal is just. They will turn to the people that have the most...