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  1. aenemic

    Am i a horrible human being?

    Haha, I love the Toxic Avenger films. Weirdly enough, I discovered Toxic Avenger through the toys, which I had several of when I was like 8 or 9. Still puzzles me that they tried marketing the franchise to kids through toys... Anyway, those films you mentioned aren't even proper horror or gore...
  2. aenemic

    No Man's Sky is a huge (marketing) success

    I gotta agree, I don't think Sean Murray and his team had any insidious intentions. Who in their right mind would willingly risk their career and likely forever be shunned by the industry just like that? Big developers and especially publishers can get away with pulling wool over their fans'...
  3. aenemic

    No Man's Sky is a huge (marketing) success

    While I agree, it's also understandable that there is a time limit. Too many people would just finish a game and then return it otherwise. But they should definitely be more aware of when games simply are sub-par or not working as intended. Still, I'd be a case to case scenario and people (being...
  4. aenemic

    No Man's Sky is a huge (marketing) success

    Yeah, I see your point. I'm not at all defending the game, it's just a pet peeve of mine when people slander games for not being something they're not supposed to be (or movies, or music, or art for that matter). Not saying that you outright did it either, but it's easy to go down that route...
  5. aenemic

    No Man's Sky is a huge (marketing) success

    That beard is worse for his reputation than the game is.
  6. aenemic

    Divinity original sin 2

    Hopefully they will keep to this model in future games and do another type of setting with it. Still, I don't mind the over-the-top fantasy world of Divinity. It's quite tongue-in-cheek.
  7. aenemic

    Divinity original sin 2

    The amount of reactivity and opportunities to roleplay really has me excited. Definitely seems like they're doing more of the same (in a good way) as D:OS, while adding what it lacked.
  8. aenemic

    No Man's Sky is a huge (marketing) success

    You're also comparing a space flight simulation game that goes for realism with a sci fi exploration game that's inspired by 60's and 70's sci fi novel covers ;)
  9. aenemic

    Chris Avellone and his Prey.

    Yeah, I take that back. There is a lot to complain about with Bethesda the publisher. But still, they have published some great games and have some interesting games coming out. And I will give the developers of those games the benefit of the doubt. Bethesda as a developer is however forever on...
  10. aenemic

    Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - 101 Trailer

    Yeah that embargo thing might be bullshit, I just read that a few times and honestly don't care enough to research it in greater detail. In the end, I'm sure the Codexers feel cheated, but it's certainly not the end of the world and it definitely does not affect the game in any way. inXile...
  11. aenemic

    Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - 101 Trailer

    That's usually what happens when you break embargo. And I can't see anywhere in the Kickstarter rewards that it says if you collectively donate a certain amount, you are guaranteed an interview with the developers. Besides, what does this even have to do with money-making schemes in AAA games?
  12. aenemic

    Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - 101 Trailer

    Haha, you guys are blowing that shit so way out of proportion.
  13. aenemic

    Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - 101 Trailer

    On the one hand, microtransactions in a full-priced single-player offline game is an atrocity and something I never thought I'd see. On the other hand, if someone is stupid enough to fall for it they only have themselves to blame and probably shouldn't have any money to begin with.
  14. aenemic

    Dark Souls III: Ashes of Ariandel comes to PS4 October 25

    I'm staying the heck away from any videos (and probably any discussions) until release. The only way to experience new Souls content is unspoiled and unknowing.
  15. aenemic

    Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - 101 Trailer

    I liked Adam Jensen in Human Revolution, even if he was very clichéd. But from what I've seen of this game, they're trying way too hard making him "cool" and "badass". His beard is ridiculous.
  16. aenemic

    Divinity original sin 2

    Ugh, it's gonna be hard to stay away from the Early Access. I'd love to help out finding bugs and can't wait to play the game, but I also don't want to spoil my first experience. Also, god damn I love Larian and Sven. Such a great attitude and energy, you can tell they do this with great passion.
  17. aenemic

    Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - 101 Trailer

    I meant more recent releases. But yeah, that's still a testament to how good NV is. And I'm convinced that has greatly colored opinions on Fallout 4 even outside these forums.
  18. aenemic

    Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - 101 Trailer

    Not defending it or anything, but what AAA game doesn't get "mixed" on Steam these days? I see it both as a good trend, as well as people honestly whining about anything and everything. I'd say 50% of the bad reviews are foor good reasons, the rest come down to bullshit. The same can of course...
  19. aenemic

    Dark Souls III: Ashes of Ariandel comes to PS4 October 25

    Nice. Haven't played DS3 for a long time now, I guess I should actually finish it before this comes out. I stopped at the very end to clean up a bit, get covenant rewards and stuff. But then I got sidetracked with other games.
  20. aenemic

    Hottest Video Game Characters?

    Yennefer was pretty hot. I also like the new Lara Croft. And I crushed hard on Chloe in Life Is Strange, but that has more to do with her reminding me of a younger me. I was a blue haired rebel too. Would have fallen hard for a girl like her. Edit: How could I forget Geralt?