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  1. Kilgore Trout

    Fallout 4 achievements and trophies available

    This is what I thought; the title of the achievement is pretty ambiguous. Since there aren't any other achievements for betraying factions, I think it may simply be quest related.
  2. Kilgore Trout

    STASIS release and Fallout 4 isometric style fanart

    I want to play that version of FO4. :(
  3. Kilgore Trout

    Is the US a shitty place to live?

    It's pretty laughable that you ignore all of the capitalist countries with nationalized healthcare systems: the UK, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Norway, Taiwan, France, Canada...all are capitalist nations well integrated into the global economic system (which is a capitalist system the last...
  4. Kilgore Trout

    Is the US a shitty place to live?

    You sound EXACTLY like every other Tea Partier/Republican/Randroid/Lolbertarian/disgruntled Ron Paul voter I've ever encountered, right down to the utterly imagined sense of persecution. Whether you realize it or not - you're toeing their line. And it's a line that is so common you can hardly...
  5. Kilgore Trout

    What is it with people and the immortal dog?

    I imagined a ghoulified David Cameron literally pulling off one of his fingers and throwing it at a Super Mutant Alex Salmond...
  6. Kilgore Trout

    Kotaku profiles No Mutants Allowed and hating Fallout 3

    And dream of electric sheep!
  7. Kilgore Trout

    What does NMA think about The Witcher 3?

    I think the Witcher books and games are a million times better than the GoT books and TV show. I should make a T shirt that says "Jon Snow is a whoreson". :P
  8. Kilgore Trout

    Elements and ideas Fallout 4 should take over from Fallout New Vegas

    I like this. At the very least there should be some kind of in game acknowledgement of your preferred fighting/conflict resolution style. This is something that I think Witcher 2 did an okay job with; you would get "attributes" based on how you handled various situations. I think a Fallout style...
  9. Kilgore Trout

    Is the US a shitty place to live?

    It's among the worst in the industrialized nations by just about every metric, but try telling Americans that! SnapSlav's comment is a perfect example of what you get when you try. It's also a perfect example of what drives many Europeans nuts about Americans, and why many ultimately decide to...
  10. Kilgore Trout

    Would anyone take issue with the Enclave in future games?

    lolwut Children of the Cathedral? Hubologists? Bright Brotherhood? Mormons? (no offense to any members of the LDS Church) Hell, even the BoS's reverence for technology and social structure has been described in game as "quasi-religious" on more than one occasion, unless I'm much mistaken.
  11. Kilgore Trout

    What is it with people and the immortal dog?

    There's nothing wrong with talking shit. :)
  12. Kilgore Trout

    What does NMA think about The Witcher 3?

    I just finished playing Witcher 2, loved it, and really wish I had a machine capable of playing Witcher 3. I'm curious why you think Geralt's an asshole. I thought the game did a great job of giving you choices, not only in how to solve problems but in choosing Geralt's motivations. My...
  13. Kilgore Trout

    Great Eurogamer Article on New Vegas vs Fallout 3

    This guy, he gets it. Best quote: "Fallout 3 was Star Wars. New Vegas was Afghanistan." The Murky Genius of Fallout: New Vegas
  14. Kilgore Trout

    Elements and ideas Fallout 4 should take over from Fallout New Vegas

    I actually thought that both the Karma system and the Reputation system in New Vegas were kind of broken, although Reputation was better than karma as a whole. They should implement both features as New Vegas had them, but improve upon them. Specifically, I think Reputation should also take the...
  15. Kilgore Trout

    What is it with people and the immortal dog?

    No character should be immortal in a Fallout game! Nobody! End of discussion. At the very least, there should be a hardcore mode like they had in NV that lets people play Fallout as it should be played. Frankly, I was bummed that they even have a mandatory dog companion.
  16. Kilgore Trout

    Is the US a shitty place to live?

    The honest truth, from an American: Your mileage will vary considerably based on what state you live in, and which part of that state (the regional differences in the US can be considerable), how much money/material assets you have, whether or not you have a community or are on your own, and...
  17. Kilgore Trout

    NCR vs Legion vs Wild Card vs Mr House

    I agree with this - House at least has some vision for the future. The NCR, as far as I can tell, just want to line their pockets under the pretense of getting the US back up and running like nothing ever happened. That's hardly inspirational. I don't understand why people seem to side with NCR...
  18. Kilgore Trout

    Deathclaw hunting tips

    Aim for the eyes. Seriously though, the key to taking out Deathclaws in NV is to snipe at them from where they can't reach you, and ideally from far enough away that they can't even see you.
  19. Kilgore Trout

    Why is Caesar legion so hated?

    The Van Graff quest was always kind of puzzling to me, in light of Caesar's rhetoric about warriors vs gadgets and such. Was the deal with the Van Graffs organized by a rouge centurion, or was Caesar an even bigger hypocrite than he already seems? Can you image Legionnaires armed with plasma...