Search results

  1. Kilgore Trout

    Arabic peoples and communities in the Fallout universe?

    I am fairly certain that Aradesh was supposed to be Indian, not Middle Eastern. "Aradesh" is not a real name, as far as I'm aware, but "desh" (as in "Bangladesh") is a Sanskrit derived word meaning "land". His accent and appearance seemed more Indian than Arab to me as well. As far as the...
  2. Kilgore Trout

    Post-Legion Ending Courier Names

    I'd never given it much thought, but since my Legion Courier was a hard ass, "Black Hat" cowboy type, I imagine him etching "Fabricati Diem" or some equivalent onto his .44 magnum.
  3. Kilgore Trout

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    The Stinky Cheese Man! 8/10, with bonus points for Childhood Nostalgia.
  4. Kilgore Trout

    Not So Good End for BoS in Wild Card Ending

    I am an Energy Weapons fanatic, but I will still wipe out both the Brotherhood and the Van Graffs in just about every playthrough. You really do not need to rely on either organization to obtain or maintain your blasters, and even with both of them out of the picture ammo is plentiful and sold...
  5. Kilgore Trout

    OkCupid and Other Dating Sites

    Not to worry, I am a card carrying member of the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement.
  6. Kilgore Trout

    OkCupid and Other Dating Sites

    Haha, okay, I'll try it and see what happens. :lol:
  7. Kilgore Trout

    NCR's Treatment of Arcade In "Fight At The Dam" NCR Ending

    I think this rationale makes sense from the NCR's perspective. I always thought of it as akin to the hunting down of Nazis after World War II - even in the present day, geriatrics who served as prison guards in concentration camps half a century ago are being prosecuted. You can imagine if...
  8. Kilgore Trout

    Not So Good End for BoS in Wild Card Ending

    I've said elsewhere that I think there should have been a special ending where if Courier opts for Independence, destroys the Securitron Army, and joins the Brotherhood, the BoS wind up taking control of the Mojave. Vegas would be ransacked for technology and the Three Families would be...
  9. Kilgore Trout

    Companion you hated most on a personal level?

    Agreed. The Van Graffs don't fuck around; there's no way you could cross them and show your face in the store again. I just wish there was a more compelling reason for an aspiring soldato stormtrooper to join the faction; all you get from them is some crappy armor (which you can get anyway if...
  10. Kilgore Trout

    Any creative roleplayers out there?

    I tend to put this off until mid to late game anyway. There are so many side quests in Outer Vegas that direct you to other side quests that send you to a new area with some unexplored location in which are a bunch of other side quests, etc... Besides, once my Couriers figure out they can play...
  11. Kilgore Trout

    NCR's Treatment of Arcade In "Fight At The Dam" NCR Ending

    This is why I almost never side with the NCR.
  12. Kilgore Trout

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Why, it's Stinky Cheese, the constituent casein of the Stinky Cheese Man! You get a 7/10 for your, uh, grumpy muppet?
  13. Kilgore Trout

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    11/10 - I love Charlie Brown guy's expression of unease as he watches the Dark Matter globule bounce. And unless I'm mistaken, you made this yourself so you get an extra point.
  14. Kilgore Trout

    OkCupid and Other Dating Sites

    I don't think it's sexist, although I understand why you might and I think you raise an important point. Ultimately I think there are two related issues here, and they both point the fact that gender is a social construct. Let's start with the one you raised: "girls that don't identify as dudes...
  15. Kilgore Trout

    Best song to listen to whilst roaming?

    "Big Iron" is great, especially if you've just emerged, victorious, from a shoot out, or in the process of blowing Benny's head off. "Ain't That a Kick in the Head" is definitely the most "Vegas-y" of the bunch, and is my favorite when I'm prowling around New Vegas proper. When I'm roaming the...
  16. Kilgore Trout

    Anyone else tired of the old factions?

    I also prefer groups that strike off in a new direction, without any conscious attempt to recreate a pre-war society. In terms of ideology, I think I like groups that don't necessarily have a fully developed program for all of humanity, but are just trying to survive and are fighting over the...
  17. Kilgore Trout

    How do you attract positive attention to forum posts?

    Well, of course step one is know your audience. Then you can include targeted links, the better to titillate.
  18. Kilgore Trout

    OkCupid and Other Dating Sites

    *cue 90s nostalgia...* Dude, I think you are being too hard on yourself. That said it might be a good idea to get to know someone for a little while at least if you're interested in dating them, and generally speaking I think you might have more success than if you ask someone out after just...
  19. Kilgore Trout

    Pipboy 3D model

    Clearly we are dealing with a Level 15 Necromancer.
  20. Kilgore Trout

    How do you attract positive attention to forum posts?

    I'm surprised nobody mentioned the obvious: include links to porn sites.