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  1. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    Where are you getting this price? If it's an average in the US, well, it's not like the US system is what I advocate, as I said, and it's not like the prices inherent in that system would be in a free-market/private system. I used that piece of anecdotal evidence against that guy because he...
  2. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    Socialism is 'practical'? Privatize it, it'll be cheaper in general. If there's a large set of folk who need a service/product, have money but don't have enough money by themselves, why would private business ignore that market? They don't in regards to food, vehicles, appliances, services...
  3. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    Bastiat has something to say to you, Crni Vuk
  4. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    Producing the F-35 was the right decision? Invading Iraq was the right decision? Creating Obamacare which doubled healthcare premiums was the right decision?
  5. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    Yes, it's impossible to know for sure if you're telling the truth. That's the nature of the internet. We aren't discussing the what ifs of living in a welfare state, we're discussing the positives and negatives of different systems
  6. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    You're assuming the effects of a proposed system and complaining that I don't blindly accept your system because it's better than another. Because you said that they'd be able to operate and be a legitimate competitor to state run healthcare, while facts show otherwise.
  7. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    No one said that there would be doctors going on welfare, anecdotal evidence is not reliable, and I do not support the American System so I do not have to support it in arguments or respond to criticisms of it. Your only argument at this point is backed up by nothing and is simply: "Do you want...
  8. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    Once again, I AM NOT ARGUING FOR THE AMERICAN SYSTEM The quote was referring to doctors abandoning private practices and going to government owned ones
  9. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    If we're to use anecdotal evidence, what about Stefan Molyneux who had to go to America to get treatment for cancer because Canada was to inefficient to deal with it, or a woman I know that couldn't get Dialysis because Obamacare wouldn't cover it?
  10. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    First it was understood in Sweden that free healthcare was only for the poor. It would not affect those who were happy with their existing provider. But when government suddenly offers a free alternative, many will leave their private practitioner in favor of the free goods. The public system...
  11. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    A system that doesn't even serve you in the first place, because you don't have the funds to actually get atreatment. I wonder what a person in pain would prefer. A treatment, even if it's not the best treatment money can buy. Or no treatment at all, because he can't afford it. I'd probably...
  12. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    One, Germany is not the world despite the wishes of your forefathers (and probably Merkel), and neither is Sweden which most folk point to, which leads to two: Socialist healthcare systems often have poor waiting...
  13. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    Anyway, the US government has been involved in healthcare in the US since the early 1900s, closing down certain occupations that would compete with doctors, giving people monopolies, then the disastrous Medicare and Medicaid programs that drove up costs and continues to do so, and has most...
  14. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    I'm not I just think it would be hilarious to see socialism slaughtered on a national stage
  15. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    Seriously though it would be nice if the US could vote none in the election and redo it, this is awful. We could have had Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders but noo you have to get the pagan and the guy who thinks you can build a fence in an arroyo.
  16. Antiwarprofallout

    Eden Project, where black people are banned.

    He probably meant voting, not shooting. I doubt he's going to advocate assassination on tape. Anyway, typically if it doesn't sound like something that could catch folk's ears, or might offend the rulers of an area, folk won't cover it.
  17. Antiwarprofallout

    Eden Project, where black people are banned.

    I'm not trying to debunk his arguments in said video, they're well made and have facts backing them up, I'm poking fun at his ideological inconsistency in regards to voting.
  18. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    If she's willing to do it in other countries, regime change that is, she's defintely willing to do it here when everything she's done is at stake.
  19. Antiwarprofallout

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    The most I saw Trump getting was around 80; with Clinton at 110. Also don't get your panties up in a bunch, I'm not supporting Clinton, I'm saying she's deranged enough to pull a coup