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    Correction, publishers choose if you can give a game to a friend who you have been friends with for at least 30 days. Each game may only be transferred once in this way. Link for those interested: If they took away all of the bullshit restrictions it...
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    I feel you, I have the same conversation frequently. I think what he was getting at was that there were PS2 titles that the PS3 had issues with or couldn't play just as there were PSX titles the PS2 had issues playing. They were far and few between and unintentional but they did exist. It's an...
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    Favorite Stand up Comedian?

    I'm surprised that Robin Williams hasn't been mentioned, his stand up is hysterical. I went to a "sit down" with him conducted by David Steinberg that was great, the man has some great stories about his life.
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    I'll start this by stating that I have no plans on buying any console, I don't see the point of straying from PC especially with my lack of gaming habits these days. I don't mind how it looks (better than the PS2) and appreciate the more rectangular profile, it just fits places better. Jobs...
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    Amazon - Digital Games Mahem - up to 80% off

    I just stumbled upon this and thought it might be of interest around here. Amazon is having a Steam-scale sale on digital games, many of which are Steam keys. They have some great deals on some game bundles, most of which are $10 for a collection of 3-15 games. The sale ends at the end of the...
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    Wasteland 2 concept sketch and tidbits

    While nice art and for nostalgia's sake, I don't think it would help move copies at all.
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    Wasteland 2 concept sketch and tidbits

    I don't prefer any of their options, though #3 is my favorite of what they have... I feel like #2 could be fine if the badge looked more like the badge in #1. I prefer the logo they used here: And the logo used here:
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    Joel Burgess and Nathan Purpkeypile on Level Design at GDC

    Off the top of my head, Shadow Run calls bullshit. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines also took place in three pretty small cities. Bigger isn't always better.
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    Wasteland 2 update: Weapons and assets

    Longbows were superior to firearms until rifling. Bows were replaced in warfare by crossbows due to being easier to use thus reducing training time and cost for conscripts. Firearms were an extension of the same trend until they rifling was developed, creating accurate firearms. The point being...
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    Joel Burgess and Nathan Purpkeypile on Level Design at GDC

    There's your problem! Quality is more important than quantity for me which is why Bethesda's games, and many other sandbox games, really don't appeal to me. The focus is on creating more and more stuff, not creating the best stuff possible. What is the purpose of 300+ dungeons when only a...
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    New Bethesda game - The Evil Within

    Bethesda is giving an exclusive preview to IGN and inviting other publications to rewrite it so for the week of April 22nd, I wouldn't trust much coming from anyone but IGN. Source:
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    Metacritic Matters: How Review Scores Hurt Video Games

    So if a series continues to improve it will eventually have a score of over 9000!?!? Seriously though, you would inevitably run off the top of the chart with some series if you did that. A great example of why that doesn't work and why games should be punished for offering little new is CoD. Do...
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    Metacritic Matters: How Review Scores Hurt Video Games

    I'd say that marketing budget did play a role (the hype of Fallout 3 was no longer fresh) but I think that we too easily dismiss the idea that reviewers got tired of playing the same underlying game (mechanically) twice in a row. They had already had their fill of Fallout 3 when New Vegas came...
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    Thinking of Buying...

    I just set up the same model of Cisco SG 300 at work the other day and it's a very nice router (set ours up as a layer 2 switch). That said, I suggest you take a look at Cisco's emulators to get a feel for interacting with it since I couldn't get to the familiar Cisco command line. Keep in mind...
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    Torment: Tides of Numenera Screenshot, FO3 DLC sale

    To be fair, inXile seem to be addressing the concern that 2.5D is more expensive than full 3D, which is cool. I hope that the textures in the final prerendered backgrounds are more detailed but otherwise it's looking great!
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    What PC Gamer wants from Fallout 4

    Please use proper spacing which includes paragraphs and spaces after periods, when you don't you create a wall of text that is unpleasant to read at best. Fair enough complaint. Traveling is boring in games and Bethesda games are full of it. Being able to fast travel is fine, despite my...
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    I have a lot more than I'll list but some favorites are: Awesomenauts, Hero Academy, L4D2, never fully beat Portal 2 coop, TF2, DoW2 - The Last Stand I also have CS, CSS, DoD, DoDS. Sundays are usually the only day that I'm on with a computer capable of playing anything as I'm usually...
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    Why Tactics and Fallout BoS are rated so low???

    This is definitely true, which is why it sometimes takes me awhile to get back into it because I have to remember the old school approach of saving every time I do anything successfully. It's not so bad once you get used to it but given that I only just got to the more action heavy later...
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    Underrail Trailer, Shadowrun Alpha Video

    After watching the Underrail and Dead State trailers I have to say that Shadowrun Returns has a very attractive UI. It's hard to know how easy it will be navigate without trying it out but pulls me into the game rather than the other two which both really push me away. I'd say that the...
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    Dead State combat video released, includes zombies

    Agreed. Shadowrun's video made me want to buy it, this one made me shrug with indifference. I think there is something to be said for an attractive UI too, which this is lacking.