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    The Vault is back on Facebook

    To be fair, there's no good reason that Facebook won't recover the page.
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    Underrail Trailer, Shadowrun Alpha Video

    I was skeptical about Shadowrun Returns when it was on Kickstarter but that gameplay video really sold it to me. I'm definitely going to pick it up when I have time to play it.
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    Wasteland 2 new concept art

    Wasteland is not Fallout. That said, I don't get what why are suicidal rather than throwing the grenades but it should make for an interesting enemy from a gameplay perspective. The art is phenomenal.
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    Devil May Cry

    Presumably there are better things to do than whine about the "whining of a bunch of nerd creeps," yet here you are. I'm judging from the videos I've seen and clips in reviews, none of which have done Dante's writing any favors. I'm kind of not surprised that they have cherry picked the worst...
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    Obsidian CEO Talks Working on Fallout Again

    :rofl: Oh man, that's a good one! But seriously, Bethesda has had a love affair with Gamebryo since Morrowind. With Skyrim they "built their own engine" with the Creation Engine, which it sounds like they slapped all of their Gamebryo customizations onto so it's probably pretty similar. They...
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    Devil May Cry

    You clearly don't read much about gaming communities. Great contribution to the discussion. :roll: Truth be told, a lot of it comes down to taste. DMC3's Dante was a douche but in such a flamboyantly over the top way that he was funny. From most reports, this Dante is just a douche. No one...
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    Pope Resigns, World Cares (Not)

    From DevilTakeMe's summary, Christoph Schoenborn sounds like a good choice and Peter Turkson sounds fine. Schoenborn sounds like he might try to modernize the church more and at least clean it up. Turkson sounds like he's where the church was when JP II died.
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    Devil May Cry

    I don't think there's any valid argument against the games needing to be playable with a mouse and keyboard. That doesn't mean that it needs to be the best control scheme but it should be able to get you through the game with minimal amounts of control screw.
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    Obsidian pitching new Star Wars RPG

    I think that the ideal model for a MMO would be a combination of purchase to play (Guild Wars) with cosmetic cash shop items. The combination seems like it would sustain the game pretty well. P2P pretty much always ends up being outrageously expensive and subscription fees are no longer feasible...
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    Wasteland 2 first look video released, update

    Agreed. More isn't better. I'm also interested in how they do skill checks. I'm a huge believer in all skill checks outside of combat being static threshold checks rather than skill rolls to avoid save scumming.
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    Devil May Cry

    It's a question of entertainment. The old Dante was entertaining because he was a cheese ball whereas, the argument goes, the new one is unlikable. The former was funny at best and stupid at worst whereas the new one creates an investment from the player. At best it makes the experience more...
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    Obsidian pitching new Star Wars RPG

    It went F2P. If I remember what I heard right, it's mostly the end game that requires you to pay to get anywhere. If I had the time I'd probably try it out but I really don't. This idea sounds like it could be good. I'm interested to hear what their plot concept is.
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    Devil May Cry

    Well we do have to take into account that digital distribution probably beefs those numbers up significantly but it's hard to say exactly how much. Keeping an eye on it's sale price is probably the best indicator of how well it's doing. I personally plan on buying it in a Steam sale at some...
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    Devil May Cry

    I'd guess that marketing is part of their problem given the high review scores of Bayonetta vs. it's sales. We'll see how well Bayonetta 2 does on the Wii U but I'm guessing that Metal Gear Rising will sell well if it's executed to their standards. Hell, even with an average execution I bet that...
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    Devil May Cry

    I'm not sure how niche DMC games are, I mean third person hack-n-slash action games seem to be pretty popular (DMC, God of War, Darksiders). I think the bigger problem is making the games feel fresh and play well. Sequelitis is a rampant problem, with copy and pasting gameplay (Zelda has been...
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    Fallout 4 teased? Three Dog returning

    Lovecraft inspired mutants is a good idea if it's done properly but androids really seem out of place in Fallout. While androids are retro-futuristic, Fallout seemed to approach robots in a more functional and industrial manner. You mean Harold? This point contradicts itself and the rest is...
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    Fallout 4 teased? Three Dog returning

    Harold and the BoS traveled from California to DC and were their long enough to take root. No river was wide enough, no mountain tall enough, no valley low enough, and no radiation strong enough to keep them from us. I have no doubts that they will bring back some of the characters from Fallout...
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    Numenera is the setting of Torment Successor

    WotC doesn't license any setting that has been discontinued so unless they convinced WotC to make Planescape an official campaign setting again, which isn't going to happen, we won't be seeing any more Planescape stuff. That said, there's no reason that someone couldn't create a setting...
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    Wasteland 2 Ask a Dev Answers #2

    Stealing and it's poor implementation broke Fallout in half. I'm far happier without it than having it work like Fallout. Stealing is a shitload of work to implement correctly, work that could be better spent on more widely usable content.
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    Mega Man x Street Figther

    If they wanted to make me happy they'd make another Mega Man X game or go back to the route they were taking with Mega Man & Bass. They could at least release the handheld games on other platforms, some of them look promising. There's always Rockman No Constancy for those looking for a...