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    world of warcraft!

    For awhile it was all expansions free and a character leveled to 80, is it still that way?
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    Mechwarrior Online

    I still want to play that game, I thought the idea of the cockpit was really cool, if a bit insane. It seemed like bringing an arcade home. This sounds far more stupid to me, a joystick, a numpad, and a screen that I will never look at. Awesome.
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    Part of the problem is that they didn't want classes to have "roles" beyond melee and ranged so the classes are a bit lacking in focus. I'm not saying that all of the classes play the same, just that there could be a lot more interesting gameplay than there is, especially in group play...
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    That happened to my WoW account awhile back (not that I play WoW) but I could still get on my account through the Blizzard website. Granted, that was before I had fully merged my WoW account. You could create a new account and send in a ticket with the of your hacked account.
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    Given how easy bosses are, buffing them made sense. I also understand why they increased repair costs but we'll see how effective it is. Personally I think that it will hit more casual players far harder than it will hit the people they want to, in part because I think that a large portion of...
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    WarCraft was really the only franchise of theirs that had bad writing until now, Diablo and StarCraft pretty well. They worked on the less is more framework and on keeping the plot pretty simple. I'm not saying that the plots were anything great but the writing was generally pretty solid. I...
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    People complaining Elder Scrolls online isn't Elder Scrolls

    Given how much of a tool Jim Sterling is, I doubt it. This seems like he truly believes what he wrote. Karma's a bitch, ain't it Jim?
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    I spent 3k on a 320+dps 1h axe and 6k on a 26% block shield (with other stats) on my barb in hell act 2 and the game went from being stupid hard to being good solo and a joke in coop. I'd probably say that items are probably the biggest flaw in the game. The power jumps between difficulties is...
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    Fallout 2 creator wants to do a Chrono trigger game? Let him

    Their original goal was something like 64 and it seriously hurt the game. Guile was originally going to be Magus but they changed him to a new character because they didn't have time to do Magus justice. Instead of having a cast of 6-9 well developed characters they had 3 well developed...
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    Resident Evil 6

    I like the idea of a tidal wave explosion, I think it's fun (fuck realism). That said, for Resident Evil it may not fit and the retarded way they did it (explodium cars is right, fucking stupid) hurts a bit. QTEs and sloppy controls were my two complaints with RE4 and it looks like the...
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    To be fair, it wasn't until recently that I've read reliable sources and had some second hand contact with reliable people who've had their accounts hacked. Skepticism of claims of hacking is fair enough given that this has not been an issue in either WoW or SCII. I was a defender until...
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    Is anybody else sick of the Mario franchise?

    How so? There are maybe what, 20 games (being generous) worth owning for Wii? I might even be more snobbish and say 10. That's not including Wiiware which adds a few NES and SNES style games (sequels). The Wii has managed to fall on it's face after a successful launch. It just didn't go...
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    I know someone second hand who this allegedly happened to. I'm worried that the exploit might really exist and if it does, I'll be really pissed that Blizzard has done that shitty of a job after years of not having that problem with all of their other games. I still didn't have a problem with...
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    Is anybody else sick of the Mario franchise?

    I think this article does a decent job covering Mario. Mario was generally good at being semi-fresh until recently.
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    It's not going to drop in price that fast. $20 sure, but that will be without the expansion. Best atmospherically and the best written expositions, sure. Best gameplay? No. I think that it shows that the team lacks originality and can't write well. That said, the Butcher of D3's mechanics...
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    Is anybody else sick of the Mario franchise?

    It's actually really fun, though it's a platformer rather than a JRPG so it's a different type of game than it's predicessors. That said, it was better than Mario Galaxy. Speaking of Mario Galaxy... I was disappointed with how easy it was and the recycling of content in the game.
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    Sounds to me more like people need to use help tickets and Blizzard is trying to keep their forums slightly cleaner.
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    You should ask him whether or not he changed his password after Blizzard was hacked last year (I think?).
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    Yeah I'm pretty sure that everyone important who worked on the previous games is long gone from Blizzard. I was just pointing out that it was sadly obvious from the plot that the designers were not involved with the original game. I had heard that melee became useless in Inferno but that...
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    The voice acting is a mixed bag but most of it seems too hammed up. It really lacks the impact that the expositions in the previous games had which is a combination of the voice acting and the writing, which is generally mediocre. It really feels like it was made by a different team than those...