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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    I really don't know why they would do that given that one of their selling points is the sheer number of dungeons in the world. Why repopulate a dungeon when there are 100 others? That said, it might also be a method of addressing their save file bloat issue.
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    The gameplay and underlying system is what bothered me. I really didn't mind the plot aside from Vaan and Penelo. Both were added to appeal to the targeted Japanese audience who they felt wouldn't connect with Basch (not Balthier) given the reception of Vagrant story. The plot didn't bother...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I'd scratch FFXII off of your list, the game is pretty horrible. I got a lot of enjoyment out of Kingdom Hearts 2, though it never challenged me. I haven't gotten around to starting Persona 4 or Escape from Monkey Island so I can't speak on those. Bastion is pretty fun from what I've played...
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Or maybe just make smithing completely item dependent with the items being drops and eliminate the skill, thus eliminating the need to level it up.
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Glad to see that Bethesda is keeping up with the technology with that focus on dual-core CPUs. It's not like anyone has quad-core or more, nah, just dual. I guess she highlights why I don't like so many games, most addictive gaming systems fail to draw me in because that's the majority of...
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    J.E. Sawyer on FO3/NV save game-related slowdowns

    It looks like filling your game with junk not only negatively impacts gameplay but the stability and efficiency of the game. If the item doesn't have any purpose then don't allow the player to interact with it.
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    Five Lessons Fallout 4 Can Learn From Skyrim

    Speaking of grinding, particularly when it comes to crafting...
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Grinding should be left out of all games. IE any build is viable if you balance the level scaling for the game since the skills are not balanced at all.
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    Five Lessons Fallout 4 Can Learn From Skyrim

    I'd argue that it worked pretty well in Wizardry 8 but that's really the only example I can think of. I'd also say that it works best with combat skills and skills like lockpicking that you use a lot organically. Crafting skills require a grind unless the game can find a way to organically...
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    To be fair, I have the problem of loot sorting in Bethesda games in general. Diablo get's massive props from me for having no pointless crap. In Beth games I have to figure out what's worth taking which is a lot of comparing and then you get 500lbs of the same type of amour from a single...
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    Five Lessons Fallout 4 Can Learn From Skyrim

    The level system is still broken from all I've read and I'm sure it's better than Oblivion, that isn't a hard task. That said, Oblivion was, at it's core, a combat-centered dungeon crawl with a heavy focus on loot that handled neither particularly well. It sounds like Skyrim does a better job...
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    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    So did I. It wasn't an amazing comedy or anything but I generally enjoyed it. The Muppets was quite good, there was a lot of self-depreciating humor and a fair amount of adult jokes, some more subtle than others. I thought that it started out slow but ramped up throughout the movie.
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    Five Lessons Fallout 4 Can Learn From Skyrim

    Obviously when it's a confrontational dialogue you shouldn't be able to just walk away. Since most conversations with NPCs are neither vital nor confrontational and do tend to be info pumps, most conversations should allow you to simply walk away rather than click through them to get to the...
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    Five Lessons Fallout 4 Can Learn From Skyrim

    Actually SPECIAL worked better in New Vegas than any other game because they use the various skills more evenly. Granted, you can still max out every skill if you want to but the game makes better use of the system. Fallout 1&2 have more skills but there are redundant skills and the games use...
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    Fallout: New Vegas and its DLC 75% off on Steam today

    I just did after an arduous debate over whether or not to. Here's hoping that it and all of it's DLC are worth it...
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Exactly. Having an unorganized game is fine if the content is interesting but when it's all killing boars and fed-ex quests the game is crap. It has nothing to do with how the game is organized and everything to do with the amount of bad content in the game. Sure, side quests are optional but...
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    I honestly am not very found of navigating towns to get to quest givers, especially not multiple screens. One thing that Fallout 1&2 did very well was the town map screen that popped up when you entered a town. It saved a lot of time and hassle to just be able to click on the area and just...
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Is there any sort of fast travel system? I'm not surprised, it's how Oblivion (and Fallout 3?) was so I wasn't expecting much different.
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    Multiplayer:Killing us slowly or best thing ever?

    I'm not so sure about that, it really depends on your business model. On one hand you can keep releasing the same game every year with a different singleplayer campaign, new maps, and a few tweaks to the weapons and abilities. On the other you have the Valve approach which is to make games...
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    I think that you could probably have Jim Cummings voice, if not your entire game, all the male characters in it and be set.