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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Hand crafted levels are always going to be better than procedurally (randomly) generated ones and you can still provide variety if you simply have the game choose from a large library of premade dungeons and not reuse any. That said, it's way more work. That said, as long as all quest related...
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    7/10: The review problem

    I'm with the author of the article, I don't get why people get so upset about bad reviews, least of all when they make valid points. Both scores are very important and I'd love to see both of them. That said, I feel like a lot of video game critics don't know enough about game design to do a...
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Actually they should probably just cut out the non-combat skills since my experience was that they never added anything but annoyance. The "use it to improve it" system is particularly bad for a speech skill. As for crafting, why should the player have to grind through crafting in order to...
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Welcome to what happened to my first game of Oblivion, only I heavily leveled the speech skill. Yeah, that was fun. I personally don't find their experience/progression system fun at all. It sounds far cooler than it plays to level up skills by doing. One of the big things that is generally...
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    Multiplayer:Killing us slowly or best thing ever?

    My biggest issue with CoD and other such games is that they don't allow user made maps and fucking charge $15 for 5 new maps. The MP just get's stale after awhile.
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    Zelda Skyward Sword

    Actually he said that he was constantly recalibrating it but I'd bet that thinking that it relied on the infrared sensor exacerbated his problem with the controls. What I found most interesting about the Gamespot review was that he seemed to like some of the things that others didn't...
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    7/10: The review problem

    Score aggregate's aren't inherently as valueless as CVG suggests, in fact it's a great way to get a general idea about the critical reaction to any media with solid critical reviews. Metacritic is pretty good for seeing the distribution of movie reviews but less good at quick reads as to why...
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    Multiplayer:Killing us slowly or best thing ever?

    @PainlessDocM: As much as I love Q3 Arena, my biggest problem with it was exactly what was shown there, it devolves into a railgun fight. Multiplayer really isn't as easy as you suggest to implement, least of all when you are a studio with no experience with it and/or when you have to create...
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Good sorting options is also quite helpful. Actually Final Fantasy games have pretty inventory screens, granted they are helped by the fact that there aren't items with the same name that can do different things (enchantments or what have you). There is something to be said for systems in...
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    No jury in Bethesda vs Interplay

    I think that freedom is overvalued and a dynamic world that reacts to the player's choices undervalued. Sure, you can go anywhere and screw around in GTA but there are a fairly small number of quest paths that you can take. I haven't played any GTA game newer than GTA3 but the best part of...
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    @UI complaints about not being purely image based: Maybe I'm remembering wrong but I thought that the Infinity engine games had the issue so common with icon-based inventories which was that you often times ended up with an item you wanted (say a +4 axe) looking like an item you didn't want (a...
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    Zelda Skyward Sword

    @Serge 13: Thanks. The Game Trailers review left me unclear about a lot of things including the over world so I read some other reviews. It sounds like there isn't a traditional overworld, it's more like a concise version of Wind Waker for the overworld with the surface world being more like a...
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    Anybody else dislike long films?

    Agreed. Long movies can still be good but they don't really have the best repeat viewing quality due to their length. I've sat through more than one full 26 epsidode (half-hour timeslot) show the first time I watched it when I was younger but I really don't have the time to these days. Hell...
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    I generally hate marriage in sandbox games as the relationships tend not to be developed at all. It's very barbie-playhouse. I can also see how poorly optimzed the UI is for PC in that video. I have a XBox 360 controller for my computer so I could get around that to a certain extent but I...
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    Zelda Skyward Sword

    Do you have a link? I can see that going either way but I'm all for making the world interesting. Being able to teleport in Ocarina of Time was nice as it was fairly boring to run through some of the areas after clearing them.
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    No jury in Bethesda vs Interplay

    Re: Paralysis by limited Analysis As I said earlier, it depends on whether or not there is a strict performance clause and Bethesda would have to prove that harm was inflicted by Interplay's failure to abide by said clause. Good call. I thought that bad faith could be a cause of action in...
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    No jury in Bethesda vs Interplay

    @Orionquest: What exactly is your legal knowledge background? The package design is new but there are no new art assets. Bethesda's best legal complaint with it is the title, which they claim to be deliberately confusing in order to capitalize on Fallout 3's success by misleading customers...
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    Zelda Skyward Sword

    A dynamic world is good but the window for some of the events was so ridiculously small that you needed a game guide to reasonably find some of them. Granted, these were all optional side content but it's still bad design. More importantly there were series of said events that had to be...
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    No jury in Bethesda vs Interplay

    Thanks for the analysis Reed, I hope to read more! They could void the APA and remove the royalty clause in the TLA due to Interplay not seeking said royalties in a "reasonable" time frame. That would result in Bethesda having the rights to make a total of three Fallout games and all...
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    Zelda Skyward Sword

    Considering that your main complaint with Twilight Princess was that it felt like a chore I find it odd that your would love Majora's Mask so much. Twilight Princess may be uninspired but at least it lacked the tedium of having to be at specific places at specific times in order to trigger...