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  1. Prosatanos

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    an eye with two brows ? [7/10]
  2. Prosatanos

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    Oh , I like it.
  3. Prosatanos

    If NMA died...

    Personally , I don't have alternative and I don't want it. Here in NMA feel my self realy cool, NMA is my way to be close to Fallout universe . I don't want to lose it . We don't want lose it .
  4. Prosatanos

    Happy 15th birthday, Fallout!

    Happy birthday Fallout. We will be here in next year for you my dear !
  5. Prosatanos

    How'd you get your username?

    This is really interesting argument - for sure. I like it.
  6. Prosatanos

    How'd you get your username?

    Prosatanos is some kind of devil in movie (HellBound) with Chuck Norris , the movie is not in my favorites.
  7. Prosatanos

    Fallout 2, my starter character

    With "Gifted" S - 5 P - 8 (no need to be higher) E - 5 C - 5 I - 9 A - 8 L - 7 Best. For me.
  8. Prosatanos

    Blacklight: Retribution

    To play it ,you need just to download,Install,update it. Paying is for better guns,armors,items etc. This payable items didn't make you better player. I downloaded and looking good.
  9. Prosatanos

    What's your OS when playing Fallout?

    XP & 7 . :D Why you are asking ?
  10. Prosatanos

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions) Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey Hellbane are you fuckin OK.
  11. Prosatanos

    Jinxed trait! Play a character with it if you haven't yet.

    Just the right choise. Stupid dog.
  12. Prosatanos

    I had to post this! - youtube thread look at 1st place.
  13. Prosatanos

    Games you don't want to play again

    In this moment I can think only for Fallout 3. Why ? Because this is not "Fallout",but in the same time some developer ,a aa ,what was this name - something like aaaaa Beth , Bethy or something close to this ,present to us a game with name Fallout which should be a continuation of the...
  14. Prosatanos

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    I hope this is not pointing to me,because I say the same thing "here is wrong place for that". Hey I respect this thread.
  15. Prosatanos

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    What version is your "Tactics" ? If is not v1.27,maybe there is a your problem. A one more thing : this is wrong place for "Tactics".
  16. Prosatanos

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    OK. OK. Johnni is classic. Yeah. For sure. look at this from [2:00]
  17. Prosatanos

    Which fallout total conversions?

    Hi,do you played Fallout of Nevada ? If you are not - just do it. It must be more polished,but is real masterpiece after all.
  18. Prosatanos

    New Arroyo mod thread

    Hey I want this alpha7. What you say ?
  19. Prosatanos

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Needs brain dissection [0.2/10]
  20. Prosatanos

    Scariest Fallout critter

    For sure is "Centaur" this fuckin biological mistake.