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  1. Prosatanos

    Timetravel in Fallout?

    To me this is a pretty good idea,I think It have a potential in Fallout world. The bad thing - next good (only) idea. TorontRayne your brainstorming was worth.If someone modder can hear you.
  2. Prosatanos

    New creatures

    Yes this is very close to Fallout atmosphere.I like it.
  3. Prosatanos

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Endless tape ? [8/10]
  4. Prosatanos

    Crying Horn APA mk II fanart

    OR What about some well known faces from "Fallout & Fallout 2".
  5. Prosatanos

    FULL CG Artworks of Advanced Power Armor MK-II (FAN ART)

    O. Impressive work. Talented touches. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
  6. Prosatanos

    No Mutants Allowed front-page redesign

    I always like something new,good work. Congratulations to creators.
  7. Prosatanos

    Attn RP fans: Naming the Primitive Tribe.

    Yes you are right,i have been thinking about this while playing RP,but i never think for the proper name. However,maybe : o Mattole River - for the wather in the primitive tribe area. o Shenanigan Ridge - I don't know for what,but i like it. OR...
  8. Prosatanos

    W2 graphics

    Yes,this is the right thing. Yes,this is all we want.
  9. Prosatanos

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Again and again. Too much gay. [00/10]
  10. Prosatanos

    DosBox tweak suggestions to play Wasteland?

    Is there any chance to play "Wasteland" on windows 7 x64 ? :lol: YES or NOT ?
  11. Prosatanos

    Fallout Today - Author photos

    I believe there still have a lot of these places in every area,let's shoot them and post here,.........and let to be fair - let be author photos. :)
  12. Prosatanos

    Fallout of Nevada

    How is going with translation ?
  13. Prosatanos

    Fallout Today - Author photos

    This here is Sofia - Vitosha mountain. Old lift station from the 60s. ^^^ This is the machinery part of the lift. ^^^
  14. Prosatanos

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    New = cool [7/10] But skull is cooler.
  15. Prosatanos

    Van Buren Resurrection Union :>

    Yeah "Van Buren" have a potential ,first of all it was approach to be Fallout 3. But Fuck. However ,check for Fallhope : For the original Van Buren engine - I don't know.
  16. Prosatanos

    would you survive the wasteland?

    Formerk will be our first victim of course. :mrgreen:
  17. Prosatanos

    would you survive the wasteland?

    Me, You and other nasty,nasty,crazy,crazy survivals will be the fearless group. That will keep us alive. Ambush, traps = blood & torn meat everywhere = victim's gun. What you say, will be great.
  18. Prosatanos

    would you survive the wasteland?

    Yes. I will survive. I'll always be in ambush from the back of the victim and with big knife type sword. Fear for the raiders,i'll make from them a squirming torso with only a head. I think here on the forum ,we have people who are able to survive for real. I believe in that.
  19. Prosatanos

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Give some info about this beauty. AK ? What AK ? More specific. I'm really curious. :o
  20. Prosatanos

    I've made a game in 7 days

    Hey you are like a God when he made the world in 7 days :). I know nothing of this matter (modding or making of any game) and for me this is really awesome. :clap: