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  1. The GoBernment

    >Wojak >dead Choose one. The mainstream normies have finally gotten him.

    >Wojak >dead Choose one. The mainstream normies have finally gotten him.
  2. The GoBernment

    Offer to pay him to let you eat his ass, I dare you

    Offer to pay him to let you eat his ass, I dare you
  3. The GoBernment

    Mass Effect Remaster, NOT Remake

    Oh God Kai Leng, how in the ever loving fuck was that character approved to be in the game. It's bad enough that for some reason Bioware added some fucking weeaboo ninjas with muh katanas as an actual enemy fighting for a professional paramilitary outfit. No, we also get a shitty edgelord that...
  4. The GoBernment


  5. The GoBernment

    And even the Mark V Mjolnir armor. I too love peak armor design.

    And even the Mark V Mjolnir armor. I too love peak armor design.
  6. The GoBernment

    So you're also a new vegas enjoyer as well.

    So you're also a new vegas enjoyer as well.
  7. The GoBernment

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    If one thing's for sure, Covid19 has shown how badly prepared every country is for a pandemic. There's some shit I don't like about Bill Gates, but he was right about how were not ready for this shit.
  8. The GoBernment

    Honestly I prefer looser moderation with some hard lines of course. My comment below would...

    Honestly I prefer looser moderation with some hard lines of course. My comment below would probably get infracted on a bunch of places by humorless losers for having the word, "nigga".
  9. The GoBernment

    Gassing Nazis, Shooting Commies. For America of course.

    Gassing Nazis, Shooting Commies. For America of course.
  10. The GoBernment

    Yeah on the one hand, we had an admin who bitch about "ableism" and other tumblr shit and...

    Yeah on the one hand, we had an admin who bitch about "ableism" and other tumblr shit and another who's now a full blown redditor and Bethesda shill. Good riddance but none of the other admins are left and Only one of them has a reason for leaving. Working at Inxile I believe.
  11. The GoBernment

    And still gone.

    And still gone.
  12. The GoBernment

    Goddamn none of the admins have been around in years. Granted two of them seemed like massive...

    Goddamn none of the admins have been around in years. Granted two of them seemed like massive tools but that's not something I expected.
  13. The GoBernment

    Lol, so not just one weak ass admin from the sounds of it, but two.

    Lol, so not just one weak ass admin from the sounds of it, but two.
  14. The GoBernment

    Broke M4A3 Woke M4 Jumbo Ascended Chilean M60

    Broke M4A3 Woke M4 Jumbo Ascended Chilean M60
  15. The GoBernment

    And there he goes...

    And there he goes...
  16. The GoBernment

    Suck my dick, nigga

    Suck my dick, nigga
  17. The GoBernment

    Peepee Poopoo

    Peepee Poopoo
  18. The GoBernment

    Why do think there aren't any Fallout novels?

    Honestly I don't trust Bethesda to handle a graphic novel very well, there was a pretty decent attempt at keeping the art style from the old games and replicating it in Fallout 3 but then Fallout 4 comes out and the look is almost COMPLETELY gone. It'd have to be done by an outside party that at...
  19. The GoBernment

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    The mod and discord is one of the most entertaining trashfires in recent memory, also mod lead did so much deflecting it's hilarious.
  20. The GoBernment

    Hey Drakortha, big fan of your vids for years. Hope you're doing alright and that the DC...

    Hey Drakortha, big fan of your vids for years. Hope you're doing alright and that the DC chronicles is still ongoing.