Search results

  1. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Definitely in my top 3.

    Definitely in my top 3.
  2. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Just saw Logan. Best Wolverine solo film so far. Not much of an achievement considering the...

    Just saw Logan. Best Wolverine solo film so far. Not much of an achievement considering the previous two...
  3. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Are nudes for nudes allowed on this site? Asking for a friend.

    Are nudes for nudes allowed on this site? Asking for a friend.
  4. SarcasticGoodGuy

    I will pray to Allah to give you new wife.

    I will pray to Allah to give you new wife.
  5. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Welcome to the forums. Around here we have better taste in games though, Fallout 4 in particular.

    Welcome to the forums. Around here we have better taste in games though, Fallout 4 in particular.
  6. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Make NMA Great Again!

    I'd be up for Hass' idea.
  7. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Mass Effect Andromeda lackluster dialogue

    No I found the stream and she shoots with it. Fucking hell. Fuck this game. You know my montage of Bethestard comments for my signature? Might be getting an update soon thanks to these Andromedrones praising these bugs.
  8. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Mass Effect Andromeda lackluster dialogue

    Hahaha it gets worse and worse. Can't even get the objects the right way around. First the goofy gun grab, then the "dodge" and now this. Has pre-release material ever been this shit?
  9. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Oh shit there's a lot of spam right now.

    Oh shit there's a lot of spam right now.
  10. SarcasticGoodGuy

    I don't really give a shit how other people eat their food.

    I don't really give a shit how other people eat their food.
  11. SarcasticGoodGuy

    I'm doing what's best for Germany There's a principle in nature, (principle in nature) that...

    I'm doing what's best for Germany There's a principle in nature, (principle in nature) that almost every jew knows, called survival of the fittest, (survival of the fittest) and hear me this is how it goes: see the jew that survives gotta learn to hide and run away real fast and the jew that...
  12. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Phh you libtards with your useless scapegoats. Guns don't kill people. It's always Islam.

    Phh you libtards with your useless scapegoats. Guns don't kill people. It's always Islam.
  13. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Let's hope we're not too late.

    Let's hope we're not too late.
  14. SarcasticGoodGuy

    A fine thing that all people need.

    A fine thing that all people need.
  15. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Am I the only one experiencing no problems with the Switch?

    Am I the only one experiencing no problems with the Switch?
  16. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Interview the person below you

    1. Rick and Morty 2. Nigel Farage 3. Adolf Hitler- just so I could know whether or not it was in Germany or Argentina 4. Maybe Futurama, but I could see it ending up like the Simpsons after a few more seasons --- 1. If you could be transported into one video game, which would it be? 2...
  17. SarcasticGoodGuy

    I've never seen any ads :/

    I've never seen any ads :/
  18. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Styx : Shards of Darkness

    E3 trailer Gameplay video Co-op gameplay Just a thread on any thoughts towards the upcoming game or the original. Things I like: emphasis on stealth over action nice setting giant worm Things I don't like: "funny" 4th wall breaks crafting system
  19. SarcasticGoodGuy


  20. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Thanks. Yours is a 4/10, not a big fan of gingers myself.

    Thanks. Yours is a 4/10, not a big fan of gingers myself.