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  1. G

    Illustrated Fallout 3 adventures!

    Meh, it's pretty funny. I'm more optimistic about the game, but that Intelligence check was a bit.. er... dumb.
  2. G

    AI is incredibly stupid in this game

    Well, it's an improvement from the previous Fallouts to me that my companions are not shooting me in the ass all the time. And high ground exploits happen all the time. Just watch Star Wars: Episode 3.
  3. G

    "NO ZOMBIES ALLOWED!" For a second there...

    I listened to the vid on my Xbox 360. I picked up Roy protesting after "NO ZOMBIES ALLOWED!" It wasn't really defined, but he said Ghoul and something else. Guess Allistair Tenpenny and his buddies are idiots who have no idea what Ghouls are.
  4. G

    Bug list at the wiki

    The errors are for the PS3. Fuck them, I got mah ecksbawks.
  5. G

    NMA Caption Contest.

    Suckers. I'll go make my own Vault 101 shirt. With no angry nerd fan bullets in it.
  6. G

    Fallout 3 Screenshots

    They got the gimp inspiration from Mad Max with all those freaky bondage dudes. The new Deathclaw is based off the original clay model.
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    Developer Diaries: Character Playthroughs

    Well, you can't say that they don't like the community. They talk and chat to them all the time. They even send the Bethesda Forum Mods free stuff from their games.
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    Fallout 3 guide creation #6: Da Warudo

    I herd u liek za warudo. Anyway, those gravestones are really shiny. I mean damn. I hope I can turn the bloom off.
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    NMA: Fallout 3 character stats page

    I can't see any of the images.
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    Fallout 3 guide creation #5: Quests

    Quit lamenting that your game isn't going to sell 1 million copies and get back to making your game so it can actually come out.
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    Fallout 3 reviews: OXM UK, Level, Score, GMC, PC Gamer

    There seems to be less bloom in this game. Unlike Fable 2 where bloom burns your eyes out.
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    [SPOILERS] Super Mutants in Fallout 3

    Damnit, it won't let me stream it. EDIT: Got it to work. Poor Harold.
  13. G

    Fallout 3 reviews: OXM UK, Level, Score, GMC, PC Gamer

    My eyes bled when I read a little bit of that book.
  14. G

    Fallout 3 hits Steam

    Because a dumb PC gamer is unheard of. /end sarcasm
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    Fallout 3 guide creation #4: Bestiary

    Well, they are coming from the guide people, not Bethesda.
  16. G

    Fallout 3 guide creation #4: Bestiary

    The Bloatfly appears to be in a Vault. Judging from the door behind it I'd say it was number 92.
  17. G

    Students of Fallout

    Because the US needs to waste court time prosecuting Bethesda for messing with Fallout. :facepalm:
  18. G

    Fallout 3 guide creation #3: Training Chapter Overview

    Roy Philips got pissed off. I assume you can help him and his ghoul buddies take Tenpenny Towers. Looks like there another way of getting that suite.
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    Fallout 3 review: PSM3

    I'll be doing me own Let's Play of FO3. I'll play, type up some info for Ausir and the Vault, and find any continuity errors I can. Should be fun.
  20. G

    Fallout 3 review: PSM3

    The reviewer was mad because of a lack of boring quests. Instead they were replaced with ones that had some quality. Those bastards ruined his hopes. You see, he thought that Fallout 1 and 2 were Diablo clones. He wanted Diablout 3.