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  1. G

    Fallout 3 review: PSM3

    "We at PSM were unthrilled by the quests. We were expecting flamming dogs, fetch quests, and kill X amount of enemy, but instead we got some dumb android quest and a quest where you steal children. We wanted more immatureness then just the AntAgonizer and the Mechanist."
  2. G

    Students of Fallout

    How about you hear mine? Dialogue was way overhyped. It all amounted to pretty much the same thing, even if you are an asshole or a nice guy. The side quests were boring as fuck. They were all copypasted missions that required you to kill X amount of enemy. All non-weapon skills were fucking...
  3. G

    Students of Fallout

    Quit shooting your e-peen's jizz everywhere. Anyway, what an interesting class. I wish I took courses like that. Damn, I hate my life.
  4. G

    PSM3 Fallout 3 review, not impressed with PS3 version

    Have you played the Xbox? I don't know about your fucked up experience with it, but I come across a retard in an XBL game only once in a blue moon. And morons are on every game. Crysis (How do I maxxed settings?), LittleBigPlanet (dongs away!), Starcraft (Noobs end game before loss so they don't...
  5. G

    PSM3 Fallout 3 review, not impressed with PS3 version

    Cursing on online multiplayer is frowned upon if your balls haven't dropped. Damn rap is making retards out of kids, so they ignore the pissed-off adults and call them spicks. Damn you 50 Cent, Soulja Boy, R. Kelly, etc. for making them so.
  6. G

    PSM3 Fallout 3 review, not impressed with PS3 version

    Behold, a PC kid! Something you thought was rare, but is actually common! Even the PC can have retards like this. Or the PS3.
  7. G

    Fallout 3 and Borderlands comparison

    Borderlands has cliffracers. I'm not buying the game now.
  8. G

    PC Action Germany reviews Fallout 3

    7 steps to save Megaton as a female. 1. Put on make-up. 2. Find condom. 3. Seduce Burke. 4. Buy room. 5. LOL sex. 6. Give him pep speech while giving a handjob. 7. Megaton is safe.
  9. G

    [SPOILERS] Super Mutants in Fallout 3

    [spoiler:daabdbecc8]Why the hell is Harold here? At least Guy Fawkes can be explained, but not Harold's migration to DC. If he still retains his humour and his old voice actor (Who did voice Harold by the way?) I won't RAEG at Bethesda's Forums.[/spoiler:daabdbecc8]
  10. G

    GamingExcellence previews Fallout 3

    I'm starting to think that the Super Muties come in 4 types: Weak, Moderately Strong, Tough, and Behemoth. Might explain why some are killed so easily.
  11. G

    Max Payne the movie is.... [SPOILER WARNING]

    Woooh, a PSP movie based on a JRPG with a retarded plot! Cinema gold, I say!
  12. G

    Polish Click! review

    [spoiler:26b911e1c9]I still don't see the stupidity. Giant robots were everywhere in 50's comics. The president being a computer doesn't really seem stupid as long as they pull it off well. Also, Rad-X. Remember that little drug? The one that makes you resist radiation? And the BoS probably has...
  13. G

    PC PowerPlay Australia reviews Fallout 3

    Umm, no. It's a nine out of ten.
  14. G

    Polish Click! review

    O RLY? I have not seen this plot. I pretty sure it could be no more ridiculous then Fallout 2 doing the same thing as Fallout 1, by starting with a quest for a civilization saving object that turns into another quest that involves an advanced organization of bad guys and you having to destroy them.
  15. G

    PC PowerPlay Australia reviews Fallout 3

    Now that you mention it, that is stupid. Damn me and my conclusion jumping. Anyway, so far the quests sound better then those damn "Kill X number of enemies" or "Fetch me X number of item" things I keep seeing nowadays.
  16. G

    Fallout 3 OXM 10/11 confirmed

    I'll play it and review it. Maybe I'll even put videos up. Doubt it though.
  17. G

    Fallout 3 launch party bits and pieces

    God damn the rich. Damn them and their cocktail parties.
  18. G

    PC PowerPlay Australia reviews Fallout 3

    Why are we bashing people who's job it is to review games just because they give a game a good review? I bet 2000 bottlecaps that people will be cheering on that CanardPC guy when he reviews it because it's obvious he didn't like it.
  19. G

    Fallout 3 OXM 10/11 confirmed

    I dunno, I am waiting to actually play the damn game in my own way so I can see it myself (Kill only when I need to or when attacked), not watch some idiot shoot his way through because dialogue gives him a headache. I'll see for myself if this is a "badly modified Oblivion" or not. A score...
  20. G

    Fallout 3 dev diary: level design

    I thought Morrowind's level design was pretty good. The environments were pretty good and I liked how a lot of cities were laid out. Oblivion got too cliché and had all this Tolkien stuff and Hell. But FO3's level designing looks good. I like how it looks so far. Megaton looks pretty cool to me...