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  1. G

    Fallout 3 pirated, videos spread

    Darn. And I still can't find a live stream. Ah forget it. Steel be with you? Ug. It should have been advice on how to take care of your guns. Like, "Clean your gun 3 times a day." It would fit in with the technoreligious aspect more.
  2. G

    Fallout 3 pirated, videos spread

    Woo, scaly Deathclaws FTW! Post pics please so I see them.
  3. G

    Fallout 3 pirated, videos spread

    Geckos sucked. They were annoying little losers that were not even interesting. They were the Cliff Racers of Fallout 2.
  4. G

    Fallout 3 pirated, videos spread

    My bad, oh honorable Pope Viper, he who battles... what the fuck do you battle? Anyway, I need a link to the new Vault pages. I want to see them real quick. Since I prefer keeping my ass out of jail, I do not want to pirate the game. I'll buy it later. Also, anything else I need to know? I do...
  5. G

    Fallout 3 pirated, videos spread

    Yeah, and they also die after small but prolonged radiation exposure XD. This is Fallout after all. It abides by Science!, not science.
  6. G

    Fallout 3 pirated, videos spread

    Well, you don't really get a chance to mutate a bunch of people with instant and massive radiation. Can't be tested.
  7. G

    Fallout 3 pirated, videos spread

    How do they get this crap BEFORE IT EVEN COMES OUT is what I'm wondering. Music people leak a few of their songs out, not the whole album. This is definitely a pirate.
  8. G

    Fallout 3 pirated, videos spread

    Meh. I never did see a document saying you can't be instantaneously turned into a ghoul.
  9. G

    Fallout 3 pirated, videos spread

    Sisyphus, right? And I agree. Some other guys (the people who made Sins of a Solar Empire) had an idea of a SecuRom replacement that didn't piss people off and kept pirates away.
  10. G

    Fallout 3 pirated, videos spread

    Well, she wasn't in the epicenter. It says in one preview that she was out making her guide when Megaton exploded, explaining her... um... ghoulification. Also, put spaces after periods please.
  11. G

    Fallout 3 pirated, videos spread

    I don't like Suck-U-Rom. It made me forget about purchasing Spore, a game I really wanted. EA fucking sucks man.
  12. G

    Fallout system requirements revealed, gold confirmed

    Ha, since there are no mod tools, I can finally make myself do the right thing and get it on the Xbox. Oblivion runs like crap on my PC.
  13. G

    Fallout 3 pirated, videos spread

    These types of shenanigans are the reason EA keeps putting SecuRom on us. I hope those torrents are shut down. Friggin' idiots and thieves. Ooooh, I have a nuke now! Finally.
  14. G

    Fallout 3 metro ads

    What? The Foo Fighters? God damn did they sell all their souls at Bethesda?! Also FO3 is being leaked on a livestream but I don't know where.
  15. G

    Penny Arcade comics end, a contest begins

    Iran doesn't have any radiation so Arash is out of luck. And how the fuck does he have nearly 200 posts already?
  16. G

    Fallout 3 goes gold

    I do enjoy owning a console. Console games seem to be less buggy then PC games in my opinion. Maybe it's just that I never notice bugs.
  17. G

    Penny Arcade comics end, a contest begins

    Then why would he be standing there, absorbing rads? This isn't Bloody Mess, it's slaughter.
  18. G

    Penny Arcade comics end, a contest begins

    He killed all those people. With his hands. Dismembering them. God Mode needs to be turned off.
  19. G

    Focus on the Fallout 3 Guide

    I've got money to burn so I might as well buy the survival edition. And I speedran Fallout in 12 minutes. Easiest game I ever did a speed run on.
  20. G

    Swedish PC Gamer reviews Fallout 3

    I have a challenge for you. In Fallout 3, who can kill the most NPCs by firing the gnome out the Rock-It Launcher? Winner gets a handjob.