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  1. P

    Death of a computer + Building one

    Haha, no. I just changed the motherboard because you guys suggested it, and forgot to check the new one with the rest of my components. Also, my dad doesn't know the first thing about computers. I assume that was a joke though 8)
  2. P

    Broken Disc

    Well, he didn't say explode, but I assume that when a disc cracks apart at 52x or whatever he was running it at, shit gets thrown all over the place.
  3. P

    Half-Life 2: Episode One

    If that's really the point, then why charge twenty bucks for it? Also, I think this whole thing is ridiculous, it just gives Valve an excuse to release basically the same short game over and over again and bank on the franchise more than they already are.
  4. P

    Broken Disc

    If the disc pretty much exploded inside of it, yes. The reading mechanism and the motor are likely all screwed up, and a single piece of the cd could screw up every other cd you ever put into it. CD drives are cheap as hell though, you should have no problems finding a decent one.
  5. P

    Death of a computer + Building one

    Haha, whoops. That could have been an extremely expensive mistake. I swapped the 3000+ sempron for a 3500+ venice, and ditched the expensive 1gb of memory for one about thirty bucks cheaper that will actually fit the motherboard. I think it costs exactly the same as it did before.
  6. P

    Crysis video

    The jungle levels will be the first quarter of the game and the rest of the time you'll be fighting aliens in claustrophobic corridors. They're the new Trigens and I fully expect people to quit as soon as they hit the alien levels and replay the jungle ones.
  7. P

    Death of a computer + Building one

    Alright godammit. I had a few other mtherboards picked out, and I guess I'll be going with this one. It's a gigabyte GA-K8N Pro-SLI with SLI capability (in the name, lawl) and no onboard video. I was leaning towards it because it seems to have I was fearful that the ECS board would be the...
  8. P

    Fallout 2 Russian localization

    Ha, Age of Empires III is on that list. The first Age game to feature the Russians as a playable nation. Coincidence?
  9. P

    Death of a computer + Building one

    Here's the Wishlist that I'm planning on buying later tonight, unless the hardware gurus of NMA decree to the contrary.
  10. P

    Death of a computer + Building one

    Oh, yeah, I'm getting a new one. My point was just that a cheap generic psu gets the job done just as well as a brand-name expensive psu.
  11. P

    Death of a computer + Building one

    I don't do overclocking. I am partial to Radeons, though, because they used to be cheaper and offer better performance than Nvidia. I don't know if that's changed, but the 7600 looks like a fantastic deal. I was thinking a Manila, 3000+ 64-bit. AM2 socket and it's right in the price range...
  12. P

    Deus Ex Morr: Gone with the Blastwave

    Wow, just discovered both of these comics today. good stuff. I'll have to let my friends in on this- they're comic nerds.
  13. P

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    I'm diggin' the nuclear scaremongering in Carib's picture on the previous page. Also, I need a unicode browser or something that recognizes Cyrillic.
  14. P

    Death of a computer + Building one

    I was thinking that too, since it seems ridiculously underpriced. And since my experiences with Gigabyte have been good in the past (they made my current motherboard).
  15. P

    New graphics card

    We don't even have a year estimate for the release yet, you're better off forgetting about Fallout for the moment.
  16. P

    Death of a computer + Building one

    Hahaha, I found an opened MSI 6600gt for $83. That's almost too good to pass up. I'm looking at the following: the 7600 the x800 the 6600 Comments? Concerns? Also, I found a Diamond card. I didn't even know they still made graphics cards! (my first computer rocked a Viper...
  17. P

    Death of a computer + Building one

    Gaming, and I'm looking at about a $100-$150 pricerange (also, I've got PCI-E). Should have posted that earlier, sorry.
  18. P

    Death of a computer + Building one

    I need a new graphics card and it's been three years since I've cared about these things. I'm already dead-set on a socket AM2 3000+ processor and a decent mobo, but for some reason AGP was suddenly dropped from just about everywhere at a moment's notice. So I need PCI-E suggestions, if anyone's...
  19. P

    As the rich get richer and the poor get poorer-

    Fixed. Also, Edwards was the "rank protectionist" (according to the Economist, no less) of the '04 election. The Bush administration loves their tariffs and handouts to large, failing corporations, but no more than many other recent presidents.
  20. P

    Murder on the Rise-

    Unemployment is pretty much at the minimal level right now and has been for several months.