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  1. P

    Murder on the Rise-

    Privately owned firearms registered in the district before 1977 are legal, as long as you keep them locked or unassembled in your home. Machine guns and semiauto guns with more than 12-round magazines are illegal, too. So yeah. Also, if you want a better example, look to pretty much the...
  2. P

    World of Starcraft or World of Diablo

    Oh, the memories. I was in beta for this one.
  3. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    The Roots- Dynamite! Just got Things Fall Apart a few days ago, and I loves it.
  4. P

    Guess-the-movie game...

    Let's go with two hours.
  5. P

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Well, I just assumed that's what he used to register.
  6. P

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Heh. Milkman, I was in your boat for the longest time. My hotmail account wasn't cutting it for Odin, and I didn't know that Gmail worked either. I had to wait until I set up my own website to have a valid email address. But enough about me. Welcome!
  7. P

    Guess-the-movie game...

    Rules of Engagement?
  8. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Do you listen to a lot of Flaming Lips? If so, what would you reccommend? Black Out - Pavement
  9. P

    Going to the gym

    My "routine" is pretty much running 3 miles (5k) every other day and doing pull-ups and crunches every day for about 30 minutes. I'll crank that shit up throughout the summer, and I hope to be pulling ten mile runs regularly come early August. Running is absoloutely the best way to get yourself...
  10. P

    Red Dawn

    I dunno. I like Operation Flashpoint: Resistance better, since you actually have to gather materials from your dead opponents and steal their equipment out from under their noses to even keep fighting- and all the while you're fighting a much larger force with far more armor, helicopters, and...
  11. P

    New Administrators-

    Sorry to see Rosh go, but congrats to Montez and Per! This can only be a good thing. Any details?
  12. P

    Hitman: Blood Money

    Nearly every stereotype you hear about the South is true. At least somewhere.
  13. P

    The Pirate Bay

    O vraiment? Seriously, I'll have some of whatever you're smoking. The Pirate Bay's torrents are filled with copyrighted material of every kind. AND I LOVE IT LIKE THAT.
  14. P

    Sony Playstation 3 to cost Arm AND Leg.

    Well, it costs considerably less than an actual guitar and I thought it was a lot more fun than DDR. Crossroads was badass, too.
  15. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Grave Architecture - Pavement
  16. P

    Bayer scandal.

    Is he infected? Oh yes, most certainly. When I told him he could be put on the priority list for the Ambrosia vaccine he was so willing it was almost pathetic.
  17. P

    Sony Playstation 3 to cost Arm AND Leg.

    You have this shit down to a science. Now, out of spite, I'll agree with certain peoples in the thread that there are excellent console games out there despite my personal opinion that consoles lag behind the PC, and I'll even admit to owning a console myself. Also, Guitar Hero is fucking...
  18. P

    Why the NRA hates the UN

    Winston Churchill said that the best argument against democracy was a five-minute talk with the average voter. The fact that some people can't handle responsibility isn't really justification for taking everyone's gun rights away, just like the fact that most people don't care about/participate...
  19. P

    Madaraka Day Fan Art Roundup

    Those renders by Ambiance are pure sex, but everyone else put out some really good work too. Sandwarrior and those dioramas were pretty cool, also. And that hl2 map that Josh linked, even though it doesn't use a single unique texture or model, is still cool. I'd like to actually RP it!
  20. P

    The Pirate Bay

    I make use of the Pirate Bay's services consistently, but I don't make any pretensions that pirating stuff isn't highly illegal. It's not stealing since no one loses something they already had, but it's a fact that artists and developers lose significant amounts of cash from it. The Fallout...