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  1. Dragula

    Is A New Game Even Necessary?

    I mean ideology might be one ingredient but it has always existed in media without narrative suffering as much as it does now.
  2. Dragula

    Rimworld modders making post-apocalyptic game

    Honestly I think it looks pretty good which is the only reason I posted it here. Hopeful for the combat mechanics in it.
  3. Dragula

    Is A New Game Even Necessary?

    I feel it is not just video games, it is creativity overall that has taken a hit. Movies are worse. Tv-shows are worse. Books are worse. Video games are worse. Now this might of course just be me getting old, but even younger generations are complaining.
  4. Dragula

    Rimworld modders making post-apocalyptic game

    Forming a studio to work on a new post-apocalyptic colony sim/real time strategy game. "Ascent of Ashes is coming in 2023 from the makers of the popular RimWorld Combat Extended mod."
  5. Dragula

    Is A New Game Even Necessary?

    Because they are all terrible!
  6. Dragula

    Is A New Bioshock Game Even Necessary?

    It was a mess, there is for sure nostalgic charm to it but every time I try to replay it I feel it has not stood the test of time.
  7. Dragula

    Is A New Bioshock Game Even Necessary?

    System Shock 1 was terrible, System Shock 2 is amazing though. Bioshock 1 was fun, it felt fresh, the rest of them has been very meh though.
  8. Dragula

    Fallout 4 goes Skyrim with infinite re-releases

    What?! Game devs take inspiration from other media?! Not everything they create stems from their own imagination?! This is crazy!
  9. Dragula

    Do you pickpocket in games?

    Sometimes people say a cheap price is a steal, hence the clarification.
  10. Dragula

    Do you pickpocket in games?

    Someone is jealous of the chosen tribe
  11. Dragula

    Fallout: London will not include the Queen

    The most American sentence I have ever heard. Hail to the chief etc.
  12. Dragula

    Fallout: London will not include the Queen

    Haha yes torturing and killing little kids is so cool and edgy!
  13. Dragula

    Let's Play Atom RPG and Die - Toront plays Survival Mode

    Read this thread while pooping. Great toilet entertainment. Keep it up.
  14. Dragula

    Fallout 4 goes Skyrim with infinite re-releases

    That was the worst part of the Skyrime SE release yes. Give it a year or two and most mods will be ported.
  15. Dragula

    Fallout 4 goes Skyrim with infinite re-releases

    Fallout 4 is getting a 4k re-release next year as a part of Bethesdas plan to milk every IP for as long as they can. The update will also include bug fixes and performance mode features for high frame rates.
  16. Dragula

    Fallout: London will not include the Queen

    It looks pretty cool tbh
  17. Dragula

    Fallout: London will not include the Queen

    The real Queen's death in September has led to the mod creators' decision to remove the ghoul version of Elizabeth from the full-conversion project. "Do not expect them in there," Carter says. "There's no point asking in the comments, there's no point moaning. This is the official stance of the...
  18. Dragula

    Dell makes hell of a good hardware

    Hello I am your Dell representative, would you like to order a new PC?
  19. Dragula

    Dell makes hell of a good hardware

    I think, therefore I am, I think.
  20. Dragula

    Dell makes hell of a good hardware

    Oh wow you really got me here!!!!! I am an alienware computer. :jiggy::hide::drummer::hatersgonnahate: