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  1. Dragula

    Would you pay money for a new release of F1/F2?

    They could do some pseudo 3D, for models, and thus allow for more customisation, weapon models, armour models and such, without deriving too much from the normal isometric spriteart.
  2. Dragula

    Would you pay money for a new release of F1/F2?

    No? Why would it be? It'd be far more likely that Bethesda gave it it to someone like Beamdog that have experience in doing this prior. A slight deviation can mean a new car model. That is not necessarily butchering, you are just an anal retentive autist, which I guess is expected given where...
  3. Dragula

    Would you pay money for a new release of F1/F2?

    A slight deviation is nowhere near the same thing as games being butchered.
  4. Dragula

    Would you pay money for a new release of F1/F2?

    Same. The inventory management is horrible, as well as the "hold down mouse button to get obtuse menu to use stimpaks"-mechanic.
  5. Dragula

    Would you pay money for a new release of F1/F2?

    Fan patches fix most of the resolution and stuff like that, but a new inventory system and UI would be great.
  6. Dragula

    Would you pay money for a new release of F1/F2?

    Since Diablo 2 resurrection is releasing today, and remaking old games seems to be all the hype, enhanced editions of Baldurs Gate, Planescape Torment, Neverwinter Nights etc, the nostalgia market seems to be increasing, thus, would you want a remake? New graphics? New resolutions? Quality of...
  7. Dragula

    Why choices and consequences have become an illusion

    Choose your own adventure types of books are exactly what I have been talking about though, shorter, more intense stories, where the goal is to make it re-playable. Compare that to someone having to re-read the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
  8. Dragula

    Why choices and consequences have become an illusion

    Oh yes, these sell so well and are so praised for their writing.
  9. Dragula

    Why choices and consequences have become an illusion

    Oh I understood it as creating 60 hours of playthrough. No if they are 20 hours it should probably be fine, like Disco Elysium.
  10. Dragula

    Why choices and consequences have become an illusion

    But that will never happen, why would I write a book where people only read one third of the pages? With the massive investments game studios are making it is just unfeasible.
  11. Dragula

    Why choices and consequences have become an illusion

    And that is fine and dandy in a shorter story, like max 20 hours.
  12. Dragula

    Why choices and consequences have become an illusion

    Wouldn't be feasible either way with a 60 hour narrative that shapes after your playstyle because very few would bother replaying it and seeing the rest of the content.
  13. Dragula

    Why choices and consequences have become an illusion

    Yeah I hear you. You become exhausted from the amount of work it takes to finish that AAA RPG. Witcher 3 is a fine example of this, loved that game, have yet to finish it a second time. This is a fair point, but most of the mods still adhere to the world. The total conversions are not the most...
  14. Dragula

    Why choices and consequences have become an illusion

    Alternative title: Why choices and consequences became RGB tl;dr It has become inefficient due to the increasing amount ADHD, media consumption and sheer size of the gaming industry. Choices and consequences, when done right tailors the game around the player, like a choose your own adventure...
  15. Dragula

    Chris Avellone is a sexual predator

    Everyone who has ever replied in this thread is an incel
  16. Dragula

    [Games as Art] What is the best writing in all of video games?

    Yeah, the whole ordeal felt super retarded. No wonder they never released any big expansions or DLC for it.
  17. Dragula

    [Games as Art] What is the best writing in all of video games?

    Yeah, ok, like this: I enjoyed the combat in it, for what it was, but I hated the writing in it. Such an interesting concept and setting and butchered by sub-par writing. "This game is so morally grey!!! Will you kill the baby or not??!?!". To be honest I enjoyed Alpha Protocol far more than...