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  1. Dragula

    political test leanings?

    People with values like this tend to lack life experience though.
  2. Dragula

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    I hate Calvin & Hobbes. 1/10
  3. Dragula

    New York isn’t a crater. Fallout 4 confirms as much.

    Nobody cares about Fallout 4.
  4. Dragula

    Zegh's Dinosaur Thread 'Reaper of death,' newfound cousin of T. rex, discovered in Canada The newly identified tyrannosaur lived during the Cretaceous period, which lasted from about 145 million to 65 million...
  5. Dragula

    Are you dead yet

    Are you dead yet
  6. Dragula

    Fallout et tu mod is now out of Beta

    Pfffft so now I can push Ian out of the way? Is this even Fallout?!
  7. Dragula

    Dormant/Dead franchise and what killed them -- discussion

    It's Larian Studios. Plenty of reasons to be excited.
  8. Dragula

    Dormant/Dead franchise and what killed them -- discussion
  9. Dragula

    Say something positive about the USA

    I like alligators.
  10. Dragula


  11. Dragula

    The Outer Worlds - Early Impressions

    Not always no, but sometimes a game can feel to short as in the story was not fleshed out enough. And I have done runs of Fallout 1 and 2 shorter than that, but then speedrunning has been the goal of the run.
  12. Dragula

    Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

    You registered 20 days after me, you are basically a noob. BUT LET'S GET BACK ON TOPIC! Trump! Israels greatest ally! What has he done for the world? Ruined relations with Iran, fucked over the American working class and alienated his NATO allies.
  13. Dragula

    Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

    Hitler created an economic superpower that required the whole world to put down, Trump cannot even finish that fucking wall. Fuck Trump.
  14. Dragula

    Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

    Your knowledge is very limited then. Scandinavians have the highest amount of neanderthal DNA in all of Europe. And even if we are counting after the indo-aryan invasion there are plenty of native Europeans around. Because you seem to claim that a lot of this is just "MADE UP RACISM MAN!!11"...
  15. Dragula

    Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

    Ok boomer. P.S. Death to America and Israel.
  16. Dragula

    Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

    Okay, so? I have stereotypes about Germans too, they come here and steal our moose crossing signs. Still love them Germans though. Different to Europeans, as they are not from Europe originally. As I said, you can trace the Semitic haplogroups, and all European Ashkenazi are like 300 cousins or...