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  1. Radiosity

    "Fallout 4 Settlements are the series' best RPG system."

    "Really helps me get into 'my' character" It's not your character though, it's Bethesda's. Which is kind of what we mean by missing the RPG elements. It's a sad state of affairs when people think RPG just means linear shooter with an exp system and 'progression' (blech...)
  2. Radiosity

    Very complex simulation/management games

    Cities Skylines is on sale right now, the Steam Sale just kicked off. 75% off.
  3. Radiosity

    Today is 1 year since Fallout 4 has been released for sale and I still didn't purchase it

    I normally hit up Junktown first, but Hub tends to be my second location.
  4. Radiosity

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Eh, I'm not bothered by the reloading thing, that's merely a convenience thing for the player. In a hardcore game like Underrail, fine, having to keep track of every weapon's current ammo and only reloading as much as necessary to fill the magazine works well. Fallout 4 is a casual experience...
  5. Radiosity

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Yeah, not sure how they managed to put the bolt on the left side of the hunting rifle in that game.
  6. Radiosity

    Chris Avellone Interview Mentions Obsidian Split

    I agree in principal, but while they might improve it mechanically, it sure as hell won't be tied to narrative in any way, just like 4. What's the point of improving the world by building settlements if it makes precisely no difference to anything in the wider world? There are plenty of...
  7. Radiosity

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Never thought I'd see the day when someone used the correct term :) Pretty much given up trying to educate people on the difference between a clip and a magazine.
  8. Radiosity

    Chris Avellone Interview Mentions Obsidian Split

    What I mostly see on Youtube these days is build videos. And while I do actually enjoy those, it's fun seeing the stuff people come up with, it's also worrying. If Bethesda sees that the one thing with staying power in Fallout 4 is the settlement building, what do you think they'll do for 5?
  9. Radiosity

    Laser rifles/Pistols. To recoil, or not to recoil?

    In one of my own fictional settings for a novel serial I'm writing currently, I have lasers with no recoil... BUT, the weapon itself artificially simulates a kickback when firing simply because people were so used to this from regular firearms that it was nigh-impossible to get used to...
  10. Radiosity

    "Game Dev Shitlists"

    Which is why I said I already had basically no interest even before they revealed the ancient evil :) Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me to see a race of gender fluid fluffy unicorns in the new galaxy, that's about the level I expect from Bioware these days, lol.
  11. Radiosity

    Fallout 4, where talking to feral deathclaws is apparently possible...

  12. Radiosity

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Currently playing: Underrail. Which I pretty much consider to be the real Fallout 4 at this point, so good.
  13. Radiosity

    "Game Dev Shitlists"

    Yeah, saw his video the day he put it up, pretty much nailed my thoughts on it.
  14. Radiosity

    Very complex simulation/management games

    Go get Rimworld. That's all you really need.
  15. Radiosity

    "Game Dev Shitlists"

    The moment they revealed AN ANCIENT EVIL I lost all interest (what little I had). Simply exploring a new galaxy and learning about the politics of new races, making new friends, that kind of thing would've been perfect. It doesn't need ANOTHER ancient evil plot ffs. Not that I'd buy it anyway...
  16. Radiosity

    What Would You Have Done to Make Bethesda's Fallout 3 Better?

    My posts are here: Part 8 covers the mercs (new content when I rewrote the whole thing and added new stuff I didn't originally think about, or was going to write later).
  17. Radiosity

    Fallout 4, where talking to feral deathclaws is apparently possible...

    Low effort but high quality :)
  18. Radiosity

    What the fuck happened to Fallout 4's weapons?

    Greed apparently doesn't understand the game industry. Like... at all. The one thing you DO NOT DO is overtly criticise another company/dev/pub/whatever. Not if you want to continue working in the industry. Chris, Josh, any of them, they're not going to openly rag on Fallout 3/4 because the next...
  19. Radiosity

    Fallout 4, where talking to feral deathclaws is apparently possible...

    I so hope I'm not the only one who actually got this. The lack of comments on it is worrying...
  20. Radiosity

    Fallout 2 heteronormativity

    > some definitions Nope. there is precisely one. Count it, ONE. "an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something." There is no room there for interpretation.