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  1. Radiosity

    Problems with the Video Game Industry

    No, because the moment we stop fighting those cunts is the moment they win.
  2. Radiosity

    The world of Fallout: New Vegas makes sense

    O_o So uh... they should strip armour off to gain a weight advantage, thereby negating the ARMOUR advantage? That about right? Yeah, makes total sense. On the final point: you realise the NCR is being supplied in large part by the Gunrunners? Hence why cost is a factor. Whereas the power...
  3. Radiosity

    Problems with the Video Game Industry

    Doubtful. A new RTS occasionally pops up in some form or fashion... then fails spectacularly. People say they want them but when it comes time to put money where mouth is, nope.
  4. Radiosity

    Emil Pagliarulo Appreciation Thread

    The trend I've noticed most with Bethesda's writing is that anything in the present tense, I.E. the main story, side quests, that type of thing, is always utter trash. But the stuff they write for terminal entries (like the really rather good backstory to the Raiders on the Libertalia in FO4)...
  5. Radiosity

    Fallout 2 heteronormativity

    A phobia is an INVOLUNTARY thing, it's not something rational and generally not something you can control. But regressives do so love to redefine words so, like other words (racism for example), it's lost all meaning now. So yes, homophobia, REAL homophobia, not just 'a dislike of gay people'...
  6. Radiosity

    Is it just me?

    ... it doesn't actually matter that it's not a red stick/beam/whatever. You can use whatever you damn well please in fiction, that's sort of the point. As long as it's internally consistent with the world's logic, do what you like.
  7. Radiosity

    BUGs on Skyrim Special Edition!!!

    Truly amazing that they didn't bother fixing ANY of the bugs from the original for this version. Despite the community patch existing. Just... wow, Bethesda.
  8. Radiosity

    Fallout 2 heteronormativity

    And look at Bioware now, with their regressivism, pointing out so-called white privilege, hatred of men, and all the other bullshit their staff engage in on company time (like, literally coming out with this ass backwards shit on their official Bioware twitter accounts, wtf). Sad to see how far...
  9. Radiosity

    Hands on look at new skyrim "remaster"

    Anyone wandering why this has happened: Beth is a partner for Nintendo's new Switch console, and rumour is that Skyrim Remastered will be on that device. Cheap and easy way to make a quick buck on a console they'll never actively support beyond this token gesture. The additional PS4/XBone...
  10. Radiosity

    Fallout spin off in another country?

    You missed my point, I meant the Dry Sea more than the British themselves. And it's just an idea, anything like this would go through a lot of changes before being committed. You should probably also read the rest of the series before drawing conclusions on my reasoning :/
  11. Radiosity

    Fallout spin off in another country?

    Talked about something that would tie into this idea in my own series: TL;DR, yes, I think a spin-off in Europe would work ;p
  12. Radiosity

    Ghouls Hate Hancock - Better than FO4 in every way

  13. Radiosity

    Why Fo4 fucked Fallout lore

    It's how I write as well, difference being I keep everything consistent. Actually that's a lie, I just write interesting and fun scenes as they occur and tie them together as I go along. Bethesda doesn't even think about how things work with each other, rule of cool is all that matters. I...
  14. Radiosity

    Ex-Bethesda employee talks about Fallout 3 backlash

    Yeah, MrMattyShills says it at the start of every video, gets tedious fast and made me stop using the word entirely, even for lulz.
  15. Radiosity

    Bethesda took DLC wrong way overall...

    Yeah, I've seen the original, not my thing. Largely because NV has a well-designed world I enjoy spending time in. Fallout 4 I just want to kill everyone because the world is so stupid.
  16. Radiosity

    Bethesda took DLC wrong way overall...

    1) a reason for everyone wanting to kill you, and 2) being able to kill everyone you meet with no essential tags? Yeah, I'd be up for that. First stop: Diamond City Rampage.
  17. Radiosity

    Post Apocalyptic Flicks- Generally

    lol Eraserhead. Lynch being Lynch :D
  18. Radiosity

    Bethesda took DLC wrong way overall...

    The real beauty for me is how the main game focuses wholly on the NCR/Legion conflict and the dam stuff, then the DLC runs outside of that and has a more personal story focused on the Courier, and they're tied together in such an amazing way (especially Christine and Ulysses and all the little...
  19. Radiosity

    Why do Super Mutants, Ghouls, and Humans look better in Fallout 1 than Fallout 4?

    Yep, that's pretty much the theory I subscribe to. They clearly don't understand actual people at all. Ugh, yeah. It reminds me of MrBTongue's video on Diablo 3 where he talks about the Butcher encounter in the original versus in 3, Bethesda seems to have a similar problem; trying too hard to...
  20. Radiosity

    Why do Super Mutants, Ghouls, and Humans look better in Fallout 1 than Fallout 4?

    Basically, anything that isn't human tends to get a pretty good or even great design. Beth is terrible at humans, but pretty good at stuff like robots.