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  1. R

    My fort - let me show it to you

    Hello, I was wondering if some of you fine folks are in the "fort building" business as well? I a stumpled upon this fine mod here which allows you to build your own little fort. Not to be confused with the settler mod. So what always bothered me in FNV is how unprotected most...
  2. R

    My Fallout: New Vegas Mods

    The mtui mod doesnt seem to touch yours either, so far it worked like a charm. And I gotta say, it adds a lot to the game, so thanks a lot. I also added your hostage quest mod, but I am a bit sad that it doesnt have voice. I always find the lack of voice very annoying. Guess I am a spoiled kid...
  3. R

    An open letter to Obsidian Entertainment

    Whats up with all the Alpha Protocol hate? I enjoyed that game and I can´t remember any bugs at all. They might have been there, but I am usually pretty good when it comes to remembering game breaking stuff. Can´t find what did Alpha Protocol mess up (except for the partially silly...
  4. R

    My Fallout: New Vegas Mods

    Hey, I was wondering if your no dialog tags mod is breaking the MTUI mod?
  5. R

    Fallout: New Vegas recommended mods

    Man there are so man mods out there.. I already finished NV when it came out, but I thought with two new dlcs I might give it another try. First time I modded it heavily with lots of small mods. My main problem is with the difficulty, the orginal game was really easy in my opinion. Which big...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    So..I was thinking about playing Fallout 3..god help me?
  7. R

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I never managed to find all the dk tokens..hunts me till this very day. maybe I should try against, again..
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    oh come on, 400$? and you connect it to your toaster? whats the point of a ps3/xbox360 if you don't have a decent tv? oh and we talked about alpha protocol. remember? yeah. alpha protocol, which ran maxed out on my 3 years old laptop. talk about exaggeration /e anybody has played Fallen...
  9. R

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    nah, I didn't & haven't, but I was talking about ds, re4 has no turning problem, just horribly imprecise, see: - compared to an unported game it is just..ewwwh.
  10. R

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    you can boil an egg in the same time it takes to turn around. at least thats the case for ds ;) --- just stopped playing civ 4, cant take the ai anymore. has half my score, sits at the other end of the map, but declares war after good relations, just to raid a bunch of cottages..yeah...
  11. R

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I only played re4 and ds, and both had horrible controls..not really the best examples ;)
  12. R

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Just finished Alpha Protocol, mediocre console about that it is comparable to deus ex, but..phahaha, what a joke. the only award it can win is for the most cheatriddled yet boring ending
  13. R

    World Cup 2010 South Africa

    talk about a disappointing fair play at all
  14. R

    World Cup 2010 South Africa

    Indeed, but that was a very short period. Too short for what they have showed so far. No doubt Spain played excellent, it just didn't feel like Germany gave 100%. At least one team will win the cup for the first time ;)
  15. R

    World Cup 2010 South Africa

    well, wouldn't say they need to redeem themselfs (especially against urugay), but that certainly was a poor game. Spain could have won 3:0 or more, should have at least 2:0 - they were clearly the better team and Germany didn't show anything today. Sad but true. Hope Spain beats Oranje, not sure...
  16. R

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    civ 4 mostly, I really want to play alpha protocol, but the controls are just horrible. worst console port i've seen in a long time. good thing I only borrowed it, that piece not worth a cent (at least on a pc). why bother to port, if you don't bother to adjust controls? to make...
  17. R

    World Cup 2010 South Africa

    stream was cut just now..heard screaming outside, knew what that meant :D /e well..guess maradonna has to shut the heck up now..
  18. R

    World Cup 2010 South Africa

    so why didn't you? :look:
  19. R

    World Cup 2010 South Africa

    poor heinz, I'm sorry, grats to NL! looking forward to NL - GER
  20. R

    World Cup 2010 South Africa

    Point, but would you limit it to a camera inside the goal, or full video technology? I bet once they introduce technology the people demand more.