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  1. R

    Best game music!

    I'd like to add: Starcraft, escpially: - Terran 2&3, Main Menue, Protoss 2 Heroes of Might and Magic 2: - Terrain 04 & 06 (town music was always terrible) Conflict: Freespace 2 Outcast - its orchestral and you can find it for free on the internet Diablo 1 - Tristram (I was a...
  2. R

    Scores dead as Israel bombs Gaza

    Funny, because for one I didn't say it is the biggest and for two you actually compared them. And don't give me that "I said "if"" - you started this whole thing with the intention to compare it. ("the act equal to the Khmer Rouge genocide, or the Nanking Massacre, if you can really compare...
  3. R

    Scores dead as Israel bombs Gaza

    The holocaust or merely the research on it is not overrated, their is no such thing as equal and Israel is not repeating it.
  4. R

    Can character run in Fallout?

    They should, pressing shift or putting "always run" in the options should do the trick
  5. R

    50's atmosphere - Why?

    Technically its not even a real p90 since it has 30 shots and fires 10mm. Its more like a modernized version of the smg to keep the ammo useful for a longer time
  6. R

    Scores dead as Israel bombs Gaza

    It aint pointless, you have a huge gap of history knowledge and understanding and I recommend you fix it asap
  7. R

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Just picked up Call of Duty 4 for about ~1€, just have to wait till its patched and then I finally see whats all that fuzz about..
  8. R

    1UP interview with Emil

    No its not. If you are interested why you are wrong: Use the search button. Just to make it absolutly clear: Fallout 3 is not an rpg. Not by a longshot. Imo its not even an action-rpg, but with that statement I could live and discuss about it, however, if somebody claims Fallout 3 is an rpg he...
  9. R

    Scores dead as Israel bombs Gaza

    Stop taking drugs, start reading a history book, seriously.
  10. R

    Favourite Game Endings **SPOILERS**

    Master of Orion 2 I just love the narrator
  11. R

    Stargate Atlantis 2nd to last episode - What did you think?

    Haven't seen it yet, but I know whats it about. Style might be alright but Ep19 is just..plain wrong. Whole Season 5 was really poor
  12. R

    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    Well I disagree. I personally loved Diablo 1 but found the graphic style of 2 (Comic style) rather bad. Anyways I played also a lot of Diablo 2. Talking about "the next level" seems rather odd, since the Diablo 2 did not have much new features. About the same level that TQ has over D2 I guess...
  13. R

    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    Well maybe, but why buy another game if it just TQ? If for the mp, why not hit a mmo? I don't really get it
  14. R

    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    right now it looks like a copy of titan quest
  15. R

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    What sort of computer do you use for HoMM 5? Even with a decent machine I can only play 1vs1 or 1vs1vs1, anything else will ruin the game. Framerate is alright, but the time between turns is just way too much
  16. R

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    The only problem of Supreme Commander (and for that matter even old games like Cossacks or Total Annihilation) is that your computer can not take it after some time. Just too many units. But aside from that its an excellent strategygame with no perfect unit and emphasis on economy
  17. R

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Are you nuts? Tiberium Wars has mediocre graphic, poor AI and is nothing but blind tankspam. It has nothing to do with strategy and does not stand a chance against Supreme Commander
  18. R

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    If you ask Wilson at bearspit nicely he might accept you for the urban chaos beta. urban chaos with 1.13 just rocks, but don't try it if you don't like massmurder (my AE has about 450 kills :D) its quiet stable (occasional ctd but nothing gamebreaking) and has lots of cool things to do...
  19. R

    I have question

    Its a lie because in the year 2000 all computers will crash!