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  1. R

    GECK is here.

    Uhm I had this error..moving the GECK into the main fallout 3 folder (where the dll is located) and everything worked.
  2. R

    GECK is here.

    personaly I think the best fix would be: [previous] [actual line] [next] --- [previous] [actual line] [next] this way we would have 69 characters. if that is not enough we could split the line. will break the feeling but would be better then vanilla. also, I'd like to ask: what is...
  3. R

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I can not understand the praises dead space gets. design and graphic is nice, but the third person view is just horrible. "No, you can't move around easily, we need you to see less and be slow, in order to make it harder. we know if you had first person you would beat this game in five...
  4. R

    Fallout 3: GECK available for download

    they already said the will release a patch shortly before the release of the dlc
  5. R

    Fallout 3 Broken Steel DLC to change ending

    You now can send the mutie into the chamber..awesome! :lol:
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    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #66

    Somebody wants to join my terroristorganisation? Stopping this blasphemy?
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    Playing a neutral or evil characters?

    Their is no real impact since you can change your level of karma very fast and only mercs hiring depends on it.
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    Impressions thread for negative impressions

    If you get Jericho (which is pisseasy) their is even less to fear. Nothing I'd say. At your current setup a deathclaw might be able to kill you, but thats about it. Every other enemy should pose no threat to you. And with Jericho even a Deathclaw is no threat. So no if you want to hold on to...
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    Best games of past couple years

    Supreme Commander Many new features, good graphics and decent level of strategy. Too bad it didn't have much impact upon the rts-genre. Still stuck with the stupid c&c gamedesign for a decade or so.. :(
  10. R

    Does anyone remember when games were actually hard?

    Their was a coinslot on the Nintendo? I didn't notice.. I think the regeneration in first person shooters is the worst that could ever happen. That makes all of them so damn easy..
  11. R

    Will Fallout 3 be remembered?

    Is anybody actually still playing it? I stopped some three weeks ago and I really don't know if I ever will. Modding is really some piece of work and the main game is not worth wasting any time on..I think many people feel the same way, many forums already moved on
  12. R

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #64

    But if you shoot at somebody, however bad the odds are: they will turn hostile. So thats really different to Fo3. Also running away for 3 days or putting your weapon away won't help much. @ausdoerrt afaik no. but you do realize you run faster with your weapon in your holster?
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    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #64

    Uhm no, untrue?
  14. R

    3GB vs. 4GB of RAM

    No. You will only use about 3,5~3,8 GB of RAM though. But it won't cause any problems, some of your ram will just be "wasted"
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    Fallout 3's commercial success

    If you torture me for a very long time I might do that
  16. R

    Grand Strategy Games

    Hm I'am having a hard time with HoI. If I play with a major player I feel like I am achiving nothing (uh winning with the SU or USA..what a victory..), and if I play a minor nation it is really hard and sometimes not even possible. Also it is very very slow.. I like building my own empire...
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    Sharing the Wealth (or not)

    Ignoring statements is generally a mask for poor discussion style.
  18. R

    Fallout 3's commercial success

    F1/F2 were released before their was a thing called "napster". It was a different time.
  19. R

    GTA IV will have DRM

    Since a diceroll is needed in order to make it run smooth I'd say wait at least 3-5 patches. Currently some high-end machines have performance problems while medium machines can work it..the game is just buggy as hell, buying it now might ruining whatever fun their is
  20. R

    Call of Duty World at War

    I only played the SP of both, but given the that the CoD 5 Weapons were even more arcarde (standing with an mg42/cal 30 and firing..) than in CoD 4 I'd say play CoD 4.